
Health & Science

We believe that consumers have the right to access medicine and other scientific achievements that have proven to be safe and are backed by scientific evidence. Our commentary and campaigns focus on informing consumers about the importance of unbiased science and educating policymakers about the limits of politics and the beginning of science. We stand for patient choice and innovation in healthcare. Hence we promote a health policy framework that acknowledges the importance of innovation, patient choice, and incentives for scientific progress.

Advocating for innovation and patient choice in the pharmaceutical supply for patients in Canada, Europe, and South America

Promoting consumer choice and science in the agriculture of the future

Showing the benefits of modern food technologies and GMOs

Showing the negative consequences of plastic bans by posting articles like this one or this opinion piece in CityAM

Mythbusting statements made about an “insect apocalypse”, and debunking claims made by Foodwatch about soft-drink marketing in the European Scientist

We also exposed the anti-scientific activism against glyphosate in the Genetic Literacy Project, and how this unscientific mindset has entered the courtroom

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