

Erorile strategiei anti-fumat a României. Motivele pentru care planurile Guvernului nu au „lipici” la populație

Expertul Emil Pânzaru a analizat pentru „Adevărul” strategia anti-fumat a României. Acesta crede că taxele suplimentare pe tutun și pe produsele alternative nu aduc nici bani în plus la buget și nici nu îi ajută pe români să renunțe la fumat.

Doctorul în economie Emil Pânzaru avertizează cu privire la politicile greșite ale statului român, care apelează exclusiv la taxe și impozite pentru a acoperi găurile din buget, în dauna altor segmente sociale și economice. Este și cazul fumătorilor, care, spune expertul, vor plăti prețuri mai mari din cauza accizelor suplimentare, iar acest lucru este dăunător și pentru strategia anti-fumat a țării, care la rândul ei generează efecte negative în domeniul sănătății, dar și în cel al combaterii infracționalității economice.

„Consumatorii români vor fi pedepsiţi fără sens pentru greşeala Guvernului. Problema este simplă, dar gravă. Statul român a cheltuit mult mai mult decât a încasat, estimările actuale plasând deficitul bugetar pentru 2023 în jurul cifrei enorme de 7,5% din PIB, mult peste pragul UE de 3%. Ca urmare, România ar putea pierde toate fondurile europene alocate prin PNRR, un dezastru pentru o ţară care are nevoie serioasă de investiţii”, avertizează Emil Pânzaru.

Taxele suplimentare nu garantează venituri mai mari

Disperat să-şi repare greşeala, Guvernul vrea să-i taxeze în plus pe „vaperi” şi pe cei care preferă alternative fumatului în general, arată Emil Pânzaru.

Însă faptul că statul va majora din nou aceste taxe nu înseamnă încasări suplimentare la buget. „Să fim clari – o măsură care descurajează consumatorii din a cumpăra nişte bunuri nu va aduce bani statului. Ministerul Finanţelor a estimat o creştere de 1,1 miliarde de lei la buget ca urmare a noilor impozite. Din contră, logica economică ne-ar spune că lucrurile s-ar întâmpla fix pe dos. Cu cât sunt mai mari taxele, cu atât oamenii vor cumpăra mai puţin sau vor evita taxele pe ascuns. Ar fi un scenariu prost pentru România, ţară în care evaziunea fiscală se ridică la 10% din PIB”, atrage atenția expertul.

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Alabama Ban on Vaping in Cars Worsens Public Health

While the effort to reduce secondhand smoke inhalation from combustible cigarettes is noble, vapor produced from e-cigarettes does not contain the harmful tar and chemicals found in combustible cigarettes. It does not create the same degree of harm.

MONTGOMERY, AL — This spring, Alabama state lawmakers passed a bill (HB3) that is now in effect, prohibiting the use of cigarettes and vaping products in vehicles when a child 14 years of age or younger is present.

Elizabeth Hicks, US Affairs Analyst with the consumer advocacy group Consumer Choice Center, said of HB3, “Legislation like this further demonstrates how regulators view vaping and smoking as the same, when in reality, numerous studies have shown vaping to be 95% less harmful. While the effort to reduce secondhand smoke inhalation from combustible cigarettes is noble, vapor produced from e-cigarettes does not contain the harmful tar and chemicals found in combustible cigarettes. It does not create the same degree of harm.

“Treating vaping like cigarettes hampers public health by deterring smokers from adopting a less harmful nicotine option. With 8,600 annual smoking-related deaths in Alabama, regulators should view vaping as a harm reduction tool rather than regulating it as cigarettes,” added Hicks.

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What next after GEG? Ban on sugar, fatty food, flights to curb danger, Wan Saiful questions

KUALA LUMPUR – As Putrajaya pursues its controversial move to ban cigarettes for those born from 2007, a Bersatu leader has questioned Putrajaya if it will also ban flights, sugar and fatty food as it poses danger to health. 

Former information chief Wan Saiful Wan Jan said sugar poses significant health problems and flights carry inherent risks, even potentially leading to fatalities.

“So is the government going to take an easy way out to ban these products too. What next? Karaoke centres because there is a possibility of close proximity,” he said.

Wan Saiful said this during a discussion on the Control of Smoking Products for Public Health Bill 2023, also known as the Generational Endgame (GEG) Bill, which is currently under review by the parliamentary select committee (PSC) on health

He said such short-sighted approach of blanket ban on cigarettes would not yield results as it would push youths underground, making matters worse as it will be hard to curb illicit markets.

“Issues like this should not be touched this way. There must be stakeholder engagement on how we could tackle this,” he said, adding that it was crucial to empower the public with knowledge.

He said as for secondary smokers issue, the government could empower people to stop people from smoking as inhaling secondary smoke was unhealthy.

“My fear is we are moving towards allowing the government to take over our choices of freedom,” he said.

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GEG enforcement may cost govt RM305mil a year, says researcher

KUALA LUMPUR: The total enforcement cost for the Generational End Game (GEG) bill may reach up to RM305 million a year, says a researcher.

Bait al-Amanah research director Benedict Weerasena said the estimate covers the cost of the track-and-trace system, public awareness campaigns and hiring of additional enforcement officers.

“Equipment, vehicles and training, administrative costs of fines imposed, and additional enforcement costs to curtail the growth of illicit cigarette markets are included in the estimate as well,” he said at an event today hosted by Consumer Choice Centre (CCC).

However, Weerasena said the estimate is dependent on the full details of the enforcement powers agreed upon in the final version of the Control of Smoking Product for Public Health Bill 2023, or commonly known as the GEG bill, whereby wider-ranging powers would translate into higher enforcement costs.

Weerasena and Bill Wirtz, a policy analyst for the CCC, said the government should not rush into legislating the GEG bill.

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Pentingnya Upaya Harm Reduction Melalui Inovasi dan Informasi yang Tepat

Sudah menjadi rahasia umum bahwa, rokok merupakan salah satu musuh besar kesehatan publik yang ada di dunia. Di dalam sebatang rokok, terkandung berbagai komponen yang, bila dikonsumsi secara rutin dalam waktu tertentu, bisa menyebabkan berbagai penyakit kronis, seperti kanker dan serangan jantung.

Tidak hanya itu, rokok juga mengandung nikotin yang membuat penggunanya menjadi kecanduan, dan sangat sulit untuk berhenti merokok. Adanya berbagai zat beracun yang membuat penyakit kronis, hingga zat yang membuat penggunanya kecanduan, merupakan kombinasi yang mematikan yang harus dihadapi oleh para perokok.

Oleh karena itu, berbagai yurisdiksi di seluruh dunia memberlakukan berbagai regulasi dan aturan ketat yang mengatur segala aspek industri rokok, mulai dari produksi, distribusi, dan juga konsumsi rokok. Adanya aturan ini bermacam-macam, mulai dari yang paling ringan, seperti mengenakan pajak dan cukai tinggi untuk produk-produk tembakau, hingga yang paling berat, seperti pelarangan total seluruh kegiatan produksi dan konsumsi produk-produk hasil olahan tembakau.

Sebagaimana dengan negara-negara lainnya, Indonesia juga memiliki serangkaian kebijakan yang bertujuan untuk meregulasi dan mengatur peredaran dan konsumsi rokok atau produk tembakau lainnya. Beberapa diantaranya yang sangat umum dan bisa kita amati adalah kewajiban bagi produsen rokok untuk mencantumkan dampak berbahaya dari rokok, adanya cukai rokok yang semakin meningkat, larangan iklan rokok dengan menunjukkan produknya di televisi, dan lain sebagainya.

Namun, sepertinya berbagai upaya tersebut memilki dampak yang belum cukup. Dilansir dari Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia (Kemenkes) misalnya, Indonesia mengalami peningkatan jumlah perokok dalam kurun waktu 1 dekade (2011 – 2021), dari 60,3 juta menjadi 69,1 juta (badankebijakan.kemkes.go.id, 3/6/2022). Hal ini tentu tidak mengherankan, mengingat bahwa rokok mengandung zat yang dapat membuat penggunanya mengalami kecanduan dan sulit untuk berhenti.

Dengan demikian, dibutuhkan berbagai kebijakan lain yang ditujukan untuk mengurangi jumlah perokok yang ada di Indonesia, yang berfokus pada masalah besar yang membuat seseorag tidak bisa berhenti merokok, yakni karena rokok mengandung zat yang membuat penggunanya mengalami kecanduan. Salah satu dari langkah yang bisa dilakukan adalah dengan menyediakan produk alternatif dari rokok, yang terbukti jauh lebih tidak berbahaya.

Pada tahun 2015 lalu, lembaga kesehatan publik asal Inggris, Public Health England (PHE), mengeluarkan laporan yang menyatakan bahwa vape atau rokok elektrik merupakan produk yang 95% jauh lebih tidak berbahaya dibandingkan dengan rokok konvensional yang dibakar. Oleh karena itu, vape merupakan salah satu alat yang bisa digunakan untuk membantu perokok untuk berhenti merokok (theguardian.com, 28/12/2018).

Inggris sendiri menjadi salah satu negara yang secara resmi sudah menjadikan vape sebagai salah satu alat yang bisa digunakan oleh para perokok untuk berhenti merokok. Badan kesehatan Inggris, National Health Service (NHS) misalnya, menyatakan bahwa vape bisa membantu perokok untuk mengatur dan mengelola keinginan mereka akan nikotin, Telah ada banyak bukti orang-orang perokok yang dapat menghentikan kebiasaan merokoknya dengan bantuan vape (nhs.uk, 10/10/2022).

Sayangnya, diseminasi informasi mengenai upaya harm reduction untuk mengurangi jumlah perokok dengan bantuan vape dan produk nikotin alternatif lainnya masih sangat kurang, termasuk juga di Indonesia. Untuk itu, diperlukan semakin banyak diseminasi informasi mengenai hal tersebut agar para perokok dapat semakin terbantu untuk berhenti, dan jumlah perokok aktif dapat semakin ditekan dan berkurang.

Pada tanggal 10 Mei 2023 lalu misalnya, diselenggarakan acara Innovation Summit Southeast Asia 2023 oleh lembaga Center for Market Education (CME), Property Rights Alliance, dan Tholos Foundation. Acara tersebut dilaksanakan di ibukota Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, dan membahas berbagai topik seputar inovasi, baik dari sisi institusi, aspek ketahanan pangan, perdagangan bebas,dan juga harm reduction (gatra.com, 2/6/2023).

Dalam salah satu panel yang membahas mengenai harm reduction misalnya, para panelis menyatakan bahwa sangat penting untuk mengimplementasikan program harm reduction yang bertumpu pada inovasi, salah satunya adalah melalui produk-produk nikotin alternatif. Pelarangan belaka merupakan kebijakan yang tidak efektif karena setiap individu akan cenderung berupaya untuk mencari kesenangan, salah satunya tentu melalui rokok.

Untuk itu dibutuhkan serangkaian kebijakan agar program harm reduction bisa terlaksana dengan baik. Misalnya, dengan kebijakan perpajakan yang berbeda untuk mendorong inovasi dan meningkatkan insentif perokok untuk beralih ke produk lain yang terbukti lebih aman (gatra.com, 2/6/2023).

Dalam panel tersebut disampaikan juga mengenai “The Tobacco Control Plan for England” yang dirilis oleh Pemerintah Inggris pada tahun 2017 lalu. Dalam rencana tersebut, disampaikan mengenai peroduk alternatif yang bisa berperan mengurangi berbagai resiko kesehatan yang disebabkan oleh rokok. Tidak hanya Inggris, Jepang juga menjadi salah satu negara yang memperkenalkan produk nikotin alternatif pada tahun 2013 dengan pengguna yang semakin meningkat, dan jumlah perokok yang semakin menurun (vapeboss.co.id, 29/5/2023).

Di sisi lain, bila ada negara yang mengambil langkah pelarangan, bukan tidak mungkin hal tersebut justru akan menjadi hal yang kontra produktif, karena akan semakin menyuburkan peredaran produk-produk ilegal. Selain itu, melalui pelarangan, hal ini juga akan semakin membuka kesempatan korupsi yang lebih besar liputan6.com, 22/5/2023).

Sebagai penutup, adanya acara seperti Innovation Summit Southeast Asia 2023 ini merupakan sesuatu yang penting untuk menyebarkan pentingnya inovasi, dan juga mendiseminasikan informasi mengenai harm reduction. Terlebih lagi, Indonesia sendiri merupakan salah satu negara dengan jumlah populasi perokok tertinggi di dunia.

Semoga, melalui diseminasi informasi mengenai harm reduction yang semakin meningkat, akan semakin banyak perokok di Indonesia yang beralih ke produk lain yang lebih tidak berbahaya. Dengan demikian, akan semakin sedikit perokok aktif di Indonesia, dan kesehatan publik akan semakin membaik.

Originally published here

Harm reduction, not policing, will boost public health in Alabama

By: Elizabeth Hicks & Stephen Kent

In a landmark move earlier this year, Alabama state lawmakers passed first-of-its-kind legislation effectively outlawing the use of cigarettes and vaping products in vehicles when a child 14 years of age or younger is present. That law is now in effect statewide. While the intent behind this legislation is undoubtedly noble, the treatment of vaping and smoking as equals is going to cause real harm in Alabama. This will not go the way lawmakers think. 

The idea of the new law is simple. Adults should not be subjecting young children to cigarette smoke and adversely impacting their health when the kids have no say in the matter. Smoking, after all, is a choice that adult consumers make for themselves. 

Older folks who grew up in the heyday of cigarette smoking often share some memories of being in smokey cars with the windows rolled up, toughing it out at a time when smokers weren’t widely aware of the hazard posed by second-hand smoke to their passengers. That time is past. 

Acknowledging this fact, we have to all ask ourselves what protection is owed to young passengers in the car with smokers, and also what kind of laws will reduce harm for both children and their parent/guardian in the driver’s seat. Alabama Representative Rolanda Hollis made an effort to address this in HB3, but the law’s failure to make distinctions between cigarettes and vape products which have been shown to be 95% less harmful than traditional cigarettes, is not going to be a net benefit to public health. 

Alabama is a state that sees a staggering number of smoking-related fatalities, close to 8,600 deaths annually, along with nearly $309 million in Medicaid costs incurred by the state. Reducing these harms is important, and it should start with incentivizing cigarette smokers to switch. Passing laws that insinuate the two products are equally harmful reads to a smoker as an excuse to keep on with the product they’re accustomed to. Switching can be hard, but the potential for small social benefits like not being kicked to the curb every time you want to smoke is one of those things that makes the switch to vaping easier. The same goes for smokers behind the steering wheel. 

Harm reduction strategies work. There is little evidence, however, to show that punitive measures like $100 fines for smoking in the car whilst parenting is going to be a boon to public health in states like Alabama. 

As is well known, cigarettes contain a harmful cocktail of chemicals and tar, which contribute to respiratory diseases and cancer. These components are not present in the vapor produced by e-cigarettes.  Toxicologist Igor Burstyn of Drexel University noted that the contents of e-cig vapor “justifies surveillance,” but that exhaled vapor contains so little contamination that the risk to bystanders is insignificant. This has been supported by Public Health England’s updated review of evidence in 2018. 

Tacking financial penalties to vaping in the car, even with the windows down and fresh air flowing in, smacks of the early days of COVID-19 alarmism when police were arresting people for being outside at public beaches or doing watersports. When it comes to vaping, the level of risk and the effort that will be required to police the activity, just don’t line up. 

Yes, nicotine fuels both products in question, and there’s no getting away from its addictive qualities for the smoker. If the Heart of Dixie wants to lead the way in protecting public health, it is never too late to embrace harm reduction strategies when it comes to smoking. 

Elizabeth Hicks is the U.S. Affairs Analyst and Stephen Kent is the Media Director for the Consumer Choice Center

Pentingnya Peran Pelaku Industri Vape untuk Mencegah Penyalahgunaan Produk

Rokok elektrik, yang dikenal juga dengan istilah vape, saat ini merupakan salah satu produk yang semakin banyak dikonsumsi oleh berbagai kalangan. Saat ini, khususnya kita yang tinggal di daerah perkotaan, bisa dengan mudah menemukan berbagai pengguna vape, dan juga pertokoan yang menjual berbagai produk rokok elektrik dengan segala variasinya.

Ada berbagai alasan mengapa vape atau rokok elektrik mengalami peningkatan konsumen. Beberapa diantaranya adalah variasi rasa rokok elektrik yang sangat beragam dibandingkan dengan rokok konvensional, harganya yang lebih murah, khususnya bagi perokok aktif yang biasanya mengkonsumsi rokok dalam jumlah besar, hingga kandungan vape yang jauh lebih tidak berbahaya bila dibandingkan dengan rokok konvensional yang dibakar.

Tetapi di sisi lain, dengan semakin banyaknya pengguna rokok elektrik, tentu muncul berbagai penyalahgunaan terhadap produk vape yang ridak semestinya. Dan tidak jarang, berbagai penyalahgunaan tersebut juga menimbulkan korban. Misalnya, kejadian yang terjadi di Amerika Serikat beberapa waktu lalu, di mana ada beberapa pengguna vape yang meninggal setelah menggunakan produk vape palsu. Pemilik usaha vape palsu tersebut akhirnya segera ditangkap oleh pihak yang berwajib (npr.org, 9/10/2019).

Adanya produk vape ilegal, sama seperti produk-produk ilegal lainnya, tentu merupakan sesuatu yang sangat berbahaya bagi konsumen dan harus segera diatasi. Jangan sampai, banyak orang menjadi mengalami sakit hingga meninggal karena menggunakan produk-produk yang berbahaya.

Berbagai bentuk penyalahgunaan ini tentu bukan hanya hal yang terjadi di Amerika Serikat saja. Di Indonesia misalnya, ada berbagai praktik penyalahgunaan rokok elektrik atau vape yang bisa kita temui di berbagai tempat, dan harus dapat segera kita atasi.

Salah satunya misalnya, konsumen rokok elektrik di bawa umur. Padahal, vape atau rokok elektrik, sebagaimana produk-produk lain seperti rokok dan alkohol, merupakan produk-produk yang diperuntukkan untuk orang dewasa. Anak-anak merupakan kelompok usia yang harus dilarang mengkonsumsi berbagai produk-produk tersebut, dan siapa pun yang terlibat dalam penjualan produk rokok elektrik kepada anak-anak harus diberi sanksi.

Contoh lainnya misalnya adalah konsumsi vape yang dilakukan oleh ibu hamil. Hal ini tentu juga bukan sesuatu yang tepat untuk dilakukan. Tidak seharusnya, vape atau rokok elektrik dikonsumsi oleh perempuan hamil karena berpotensi menimbulkan berbagai dampak yang tidak diinginkan bagi bayi yang dikandungnya.

Agar permasalahan penyalahgunaan tersebut bisa diatasi dengan baik, tentu aksi keterlibatan dari aparat penegak hukum untuk menindak pihak-pihak yang melanggar saja tidak cukup. Dibutuhkan pula peran aktif dan para pelaku usaha untuk terlibat secara langsung untuk mengatasi berbagai penyalahgunaan produk-produk rokok elektrik tersebut, yang tidak jarang dilakukan.

Berita baiknya, para pelaku usaha rokok elektrik di Indonesia bersedia mengambil langkah tersebut. Beberapa waktu lalu, asosiasi pelaku usaha vape, Asosiasi Personal Vaporizer Indonesia (APVI), menyatakan bahwa mereka berkomitmen untuk membantu pemerintah dalam mencegah penyalahgunaan berbagai produk vape dan roko elektrik (finance.detik.com, 4/7/2023).

Ada beberapa langkah yang akan dilakukan oleh APVI sebagai wujud komitmen asosiasi tersebut dalam membantu pemerintah melakukan pencegahan penyalahgunaan rokok elektrik. Diantaranya adalah, aturan asosiasi bagi apra anggota APVI untuk tidak menjual produk-produk tersebut kepada anak-anak, perempuan hamil, dan juga orang-orang yang tidak merokok. Selain itu, APVI juga berkomitmen untuk melakukan edukasi publik untuk memperkecil potensi penyalahgunaan produk-produk vape.

Tetapi pada saat yang sama, APVI juga mengatakan bahwa sangat penting bagi pemerintah untuk dapat bersikap objektif terhadap kajian-kajian yang ada di luar negeri mengenai produk nikotin alternatif seperti vape. Sebagaimana yang sudah disampaikan oleh lembaga-lembaga kesehatan dunia seperti Public Health England dari Inggris, vape atau rokok elektrik merupakan produk yang 95% jauh lebih tidak berbahaya bila dibandingkan dengan rokok konvensional yang dibakar (gov.uk, 19/8/2015)

Sikap objektif dari pemerintah terhadap berbagai kajian tersebut tentu merupakan sesuatu yang sangat penting untuk mencegah misinformasi mengenai vape dan rokok elektrik. Melalui hasil kajian tersebut, tentu diharapkan akan semakin banyak perokok yang berhenti merokok dan beralih ke produk alternatif yang jauh lebih tidak berbahaya untuk membantu mereka menghentikan kebiasaan merokoknya.

Tidak hanya dari sisi pelaku usaha, organisasi konsumen vape juga menyatakan komitmen mereka untuk mencegah penyalahgunaan vape dan produk nikotin alternatif. Aliansi Vapers Indonesia (AVI), yang merupakan organisasi konsumen vape, menyatkan bahwa mereka mendukung upaya APVI untuk mencegah peyalahgunaan produk-produk vape melalui berbagai kegiatan kampanye dan sosialisasi. Selain itu, AVI juga mengkampanyekan kepada para anggotanya untuk ikut turut menyebarkan informasi tentang hal tersebut (finance.detik.com, 4/7/2023).

Sebagai penutup, komitmen yang ditunjukkan oleh APVI dan juga AVI ini untuk mencegah berbagai penyalahgunaan rokok elektrik dan produk nikotin alternatif tentu sesuatu yang patut untuk didukung dan diapresiasi. Diharapkan, melalui komitmen ini, sosialisasi dan kampanye mengenai pencegahan penyalahgunaan tersebut dapat semakin masif, dan akan semakin sedikit orang-orang yang menggunakan rokok elektrik secara yang bukan semestinya.

Originally published here

Government fiddles with tobacco as SA burns

Nearly 2,000 years ago, a six-day fire devastated Rome, leaving half the city’s population homeless and destroying 70% of its buildings. As panic set in, rumours spread that the emperor, Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, had played the fiddle while he watched the city burn. 

In SA today the neglect of our electricity infrastructure has led to unprecedented levels of load-shedding. A cholera outbreak is threatening municipal water supplies in five provinces, and has already claimed more than 40 lives. 

Babies born prematurely in one state hospital are placed in cardboard boxes as there are no incubators available — emblematic of the chaos and corruption that prevails throughout our healthcare system. Unemployment continues to rise, with no end in sight. Investor and consumer confidence in the economy is collapsing, in no small part thanks to the government’s foreign policy blunders.

The government is fiddling while big issues burn the country. For instance, our legislators feel now is the right time to introduce new lifestyle regulations such as the Tobacco Products & Electronic Delivery Systems Control Bill. Rather than deal with the multitude of real crises that threaten South Africans’ lives and livelihoods, parliament and its health portfolio committee are fine-tuning a law that seeks to ban smoking and vaping in private premises — including our own homes. 

Another analogy is that of shuffling the deckchairs on the Titanic. But in many ways this is worse. That parliament should choose to focus on such an issue in SA’s current circumstances is like ordering the Titanic’s helmsman to leave his station and go clean the toilets when the iceberg has already been spotted on the horizon.

SA’s public policy agenda should be focused on the big issues that are wrecking our nation, not on nibbling away at consumer choice. As our defence and foreign affairs ministers tank the value of the rand by playing nice with Vladimir Putin, the health minister has resurrected Vladimir Lenin from the dead to write the Tobacco Bill. 

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Parliament’s Health special select committee needs to be independent from MOH’s influence

THE Consumer Choice Centre (CCC) is calling for a clear timeline for the Dewan Rakyat’s Special Select Committee on Health’s (SSCH) to review the Control of Smoking Product for Public Health Bill 2023 to ensure that the process can be done thoroughly and holistically.

The Malaysian CCC chapter representative Tarmizi Anuwar said the authorities need to announce a clear timeline to give room for the SSCH to conduct a detailed and holistic study in preparing a feedback report to the Control of Smoking Product for Public Health Bill 2023.

“It is important to ensure that this committee has adequate time to prepare its report,” he pointed out in media statement.

In the meantime, Tarmizi urged the government to prioritise regulating the vape industry that has long operated in the grey area.

“Regulating the vape industry must be the government’s utmost priority. In the interim, while the SSCH reviews the said Bill, the government can look into expanding existing legislations to include vape,” he suggested.

“This is even more vital now that nicotine has been exempted from the Poisons Act. In the long-run, efforts must be made to distinguish vape from tobacco. These are two very different products and work in completely different manners.”

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The Special Select Committee on Health needs to be independent from the influence of the Ministry of Health

KUALA LUMPUR, 15th June 2023 – The Consumer Choice Center (CCC) is calling for a clear timeline on the Special Select Committee On Health’s process to review the Control of Smoking Product for Public Health Bill 2023 to ensure that the process can be done thoroughly and holistically.

Representative of the Malaysian Consumer Choice Center, Tarmizi Anuwar said: “A clear timeline needs to be announced by the Government to give room for the Special Select Committee on Health to conduct a detailed and holistic study in preparing a feedback report to the Control of Smoking Product for Public Health Bill 2023. It is important to ensure that this committee has adequate time to prepare its report.”

In the meantime, Tarmizi urged the government to prioritise regulating the vape industry that has long operated in the grey area. 

“Regulating the vape industry must be the government’s utmost priority. In the interim, while the Special Select Committee On Health reviews the Control of Smoking Product for Public Health Bill 2023, the government can look into expanding existing legislations to include vape. This is even more vital now that nicotine has been exempted from the Poisons Act.”

“In the long-run, efforts must be made to distinguish vape from tobacco. These are two very different products, and work in completely different manners. While tobacco causes an annual death toll of eight million people each year, vape has been scientifically proven to be 95% less harmful than tobacco and the most effective quit aid,” he said.

Tarmizi has also urged the committee to hold additional engagement sessions with stakeholders who are particularly impacted, particularly consumers. Also involving experts from various fields.

“Based on the regulatory impact statement issued by the New Zealand government, during the Proposal for a Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan process, 5,200 people and organizations were involved through face-to-face or written methods. However, the Ministry of Health only conducted about 70 engagement sessions without revealing how many people and organizations were involved”, he said.

“This engagement also needs to involve experts from various fields who are not only limited to one point of view but need to include a variety of opinions because the cigarette problem is a complex problem and requires a comprehensive solution. Among them Tun Zaki who is the former Chief Justice once touched on the issue of individual freedom in the implementation of the generational endgame.”

Elaborating on the role of the Special Select Committee on Health, Tarmizi said the Ministry of Health must ensure that the committee must be free from the influence of the Ministry of Health and have autonomy in carrying out their responsibilities.

“The Ministry needs to ensure that the special select committee has autonomy in carrying out their studies without any interference from the Ministry. This is important to ensure that the members of the committee are able to carry out their responsibilities without any conflict of interest of the Ministry of Health as has happened before.”

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