

Tobacco plain packaging policies have been chasing their own tail

Since 2012, many countries have outlawed branding on tobacco products, and yet more are considering taking this step. One of the most recent examples comes from Ukraine, where a group of parliamentarians have pledged to follow the Australian example of banning all brands by plain packaging as a means of reducing smoking rates. But do such policies actually achieve their desired outcomes?

Regardless of noble motives in place, the failures of plain packaging are numerous and evident. In 2012, Australia passed a nation-wide plain packaging decree. The goal was to reduce smoking rates. During the first years of the ban, more young people started to smoke. The smoking rates among Australians in the age range of 12-24-year-olds increased from 12 per cent in 2012 to 16 per cent in 2013. Little or no improvement was made among people aged 30 or older between 2013 and 2016. People aged 40–49 continued to be the age group most likely to smoke daily (16.9%) and the smoking rates among this age group went up from 16.2% in 2013. At the same time, Australia has seen an enormous increase in roll-your-own cigarettes: 26% in 2007, to 33% in 2013 and to 36% in 2016. 

Plain packaging, like taxation, is intended to push consumers away from particular products considered by governments to be harmful, unhealthy and detrimental to the wellbeing of society. What policymakers tend to overlook, though, is that demand for cigarettes is inelastic and thus neither taxes nor branding bans can substantially affect consumer behaviour. From this perspective, plain packaging coupled with extensive bans on cigarette advertising as a policy solution is useless. Do we really care about the branding of sugar or salt? We buy them anyway.

Smoking has no substitutes per se, but thanks to innovation there are healthier ways to consume nicotine. Vaping has been proven to be 95% less harmful than smoking and has been endorsed by international health bodies as a safer alternative. Public Health England, New Zealand Ministry of Health and Health Canada have all endorsed vaping for encouraging smokers to switch. 

Governments that try to outlaw smoking and consumer groups such as the Consumer Choice Center have a shared goal: to uphold public health. We are lucky to live at a time when innovative solutions have made it possible for us to find healthier smoking alternatives. Instead of making futile attempts to fight smoking with taxes and plain packaging, we should create conditions under which smokers can opt for vaping and are encouraged to do so through advertising.

Tobacco plain packaging policies have been chasing their own tail. They simply don’t work and end up becoming another ambitious yet flawed policy that sounds great on paper but doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.

The Consumer Choice Center is the consumer advocacy group supporting lifestyle freedom, innovation, privacy, science, and consumer choice. The main policy areas we focus on are digital, mobility, lifestyle & consumer goods, and health & science.

The CCC represents consumers in over 100 countries across the globe. We closely monitor regulatory trends in Ottawa, Washington, Brussels, Geneva and other hotspots of regulation and inform and activate consumers to fight for #ConsumerChoice. Learn more at consumerchoicecenter.org

Міфи та факти про куріння електронних сигарет: що варто знати урядовцям

Минулого місяця у Верховній Раді було одержано законопроект про внесення змін до деяких законів України щодо охорони здоров’я населення від шкідливого впливу тютюну. Головною новелою якого є регулювання електронних цигарок, зокрема пропозиції заборонити продаж неповнолітнім, заборонити рекламу, спонсорство та стимулювання продажу електронних сигарет, врегулювати маркування упаковок електронних сигарет та заправних контейнерів, заборонити ароматизатори. Та, перш ніж вдаватись до таких заходів, варто задатись питанням: що ж нам власне відомо про електронні сигарети з наукових досліджень та досвідів інших країн? 

Як альтернатива звичайним сигаретам, вейпінг або куріння електронних сигарет, завдають організму менше шкоди від споживання нікотину, алкалоїд-стимулятору, від якого власне курці залежні. Споживач вдихає нагріту нікотинову суміш та видихає водяну пару.

Хоч неймовірний потенціал нікотинових приладів був визнаний багатьма органами охорони здоров’я, за останній період з’явились докази зв’язку захворювань дихальних шляхів з вейпінгом. Як результат, в суспільстві виникло суперечливе ставлення до електронних сигарет, а уряди декількох країн й зовсім їх заборонили.

У даній статті я спробувала спростувати міфи про вейпінг, представити наукові медичні факти та запропонувати рекомендації для покращення здоров’я суспільства та зменшення побічних ефектів куріння.


  • Забезпечити суворі вікові обмеження щодо заборонених девайсів та продуктів у торгових точках
  • Ознайомити школярів про вплив нікотину на мозок підлітків
  • Не забороняти вейпінг продукти як законні засоби для зменшення шкоди серед дорослих курців
  • Вейп ароматизатори — це сфера особистої відповідальності дорослих споживачів, і вони повинні залишатися законними


При спалюванні традиційні сигарети утворюють понад 7000 хімічних речовин, 69 з яких мають бути визначені як потенційні канцерогени. Натомість вейпінг-пристрої містять абсолютно інші інгредієнти.

Два основних інгредієнта, що містяться у рідинах з вейпором, — це пропіленгліколь (PG) та рослинний гліцерин (VG). Обидва використовуються для утворення пари та додавання їй аромату. Пізніше до цих компонентів додається третій, яким зазвичай є звичайний харчовий ароматизатор, що входить до складу багатьох кондитерських виробів, олії та інших продуктів. Вони допомагають надати вейп рідині специфічний смак. 

Всі перераховані вище сполуки є поширеними харчовими інгредієнтами, які органи управління вважають здоровими та безпечними, в тому числі Управління з санітарного нагляду за якістю харчових продуктів та медикаментів (США).

Іншим змінним інгредієнтом вейп рідини є нікотин — стимулятор алкалоїд. Хоча не всі рідини містять цю додаткову хімічну речовину, саме вона притягує курців, які хочуть позбутись шкідливої звички. У порівнянні з іншими засобами, які допомагають кинути курити, у тому числі нікотиновими пластирами та власне лікарськими засобами, куріння електронних сигарет було визнано найбільш ефективним.

Найвищий орган охорони здоров’я Великобританії, Public Health England, неодноразово говорив, що вейпінг та електронні сигарети є на 95 відсотків менше шкідливі, ніж куріння.

Такого ж висновку дотримується Міністерства охорони здоров’я Нової Зеландії та Канади, які розпочали громадські ініціативи, що пропонують курцям перейти на вейпи.


За статистикою менше 14% дорослих американців курять, що є найменшим зареєстрованим показником в історії. Аналогічно, кількість курців серед підлітків залишається найнижчою.

Стосовно куріння електронних сигарет, інші цифри Центру з контролю та профілактики захворювань в США (CDC) показують, що 20,8% старшокласників у США вейпили принаймні раз протягом останніх 30 днів. Але майже половина з них використовували канабіс, куплений на чорному ринку, а не нікотин.

Це, безумовно, проблема  яка потребує вирішення, але не криза, як її оцінюють посадові особи органів охорони здоров’я. І враховуючи, що ніяких даних про вейпінг не було зібрано до 2015 року, нова інформація не є переконливим доказом кризи.

Ми не можемо ігнорувати проблему вейпінгу серед підлітків, і будь-яке підвищення його рівня поширеності має викликати занепокоєння. Однак позбавляти мільйони дорослих курців можливості перейти на альтернативну, яка є надійною, теж неправильно. 


Вейп девайси та рідини часто пов’язують з  причинами різних захворювань що призводять до госпіталізації. CDC повідомив про майже 380 випадків захворювань легень викликані курінням електронних сигарет. Сенсаційні заголовки та статті переконали лідерів у декількох штатах і навіть президента Дональда Трампа розглянути можливість заборони смакових домішок.

Але ретельний аналіз зареєстрованих випадків показує, що переважна більшість пацієнтів із симптомами використовували незаконні картриджі з вейпом, змішані із сполукою канабісу THC.

У дослідженні New England Journal of Medicine, яке розглядало випадки в Іллінойсі та Вісконсіні, було встановлено, що 84% госпіталізованих пацієнтів повідомляють про використання незаконних картриджів THC до виявлення хвороби.

Жодні хвороби ще не були прив’язані до куплених у магазині вейпових пристроїв або рідин, що містять нікотин.

Нещодавно у штаті Вісконсин, двоє братів були заарештовані у зв’язку з багатомільйонною операцією, в ході якої вони змішували різні хімічні речовини (включаючи вітамін Е) з ТНС у картриджах, призначених для електронних сигарет та потім незаконно продавали. Цю схему визнали причиною поширення захворювання легенів на більшій частині середнього заходу США.

Це свідчить про те, що незаконна вейпінг-продукція, що продається на чорних ринках, а не ліцензована роздрібна торгівля, насправді спричинила найважчі захворювання легень, про які повідомлялося в ЗМІ.

Таким чином, заборона на регульовані пристрої та рідини, будь то ароматизатори чи ні, не вирішить проблему респіраторних захворювань.


У відповідь на повідомлення про хвороби та госпіталізації, які ЗМІ пов’язують з електронними цигарками, політики закликали негайно заборонити ароматизовані вейпінг-продукти. Першим таким штатом став Мічиган.

Основною метою цих запропонованих заборон є захист неповнолітніх, яких нібито вабить безліч ароматів електронних сигарет. Але з огляду на те, що всі неповнолітні, які використовують вейп продукти, беруть їх на чорному ринку, зрозуміло, що найбільш негативний вплив заборони матимуть на відповідальних дорослих людей, які віддають перевагу цим смакам.

Легальний і врегульований ринок — найкращий метод усунення шкідливих продуктів та суб’єктів. Заборона на ароматизатори приведе тих, хто хоче вживати ароматизовані вейпінг продукти на чорний ринок або змусить повернутися до традиційних сигарет. Останні дослідження показали, що якщо електронні сигарети заборонені, їх споживачі швидше повернуться до куріння, що у свою чергу несе загрозу охороні здоров’я.

Найкращим стримуючим фактом боротьби з вейпінгом серед неповнолітніх є застосування жорстких вікових обмежень на продаж, подібних до алкоголю та тютюнових виробів, а також пропаганда в школах негативного впливу нікотину на здоров’я підлітків.

Криміналізація продуктів, доступних для дорослих, призведе до більшої шкоди як серед них, так і серед неповнолітніх, розвиваючи при цьому чорний ринок.

Заборона вей-ароматизаторів зашкодить відповідальним дорослим споживачам, які їх використовують/ щоб позбутись звички палити. Курці електронних сигарет, які не матимуть права придбати вейпінг продукти, почнуть шукати способи використовувати неврегульовані та заборонені товари, що будуть більш небезпечними, ніж існуючі, доступні в магазинах.

На противагу сенсаційним повідомленням у ЗМІ, дорослі, які використовують вейпінг та електронні сигарети як спосіб кинути палити, значно покращують свої шанси на довге, здорове та продуктивне життя.

Інновації в зменшенні шкоди в останні роки призвели до того, що вироби з вейпінгу та електронних сигарет демонструють менше побічних ефектів, ніж традиційні сигарети.

У той же час, підвищене використання цих продуктів підлітками викликає занепокоєння, але вирішення проблеми шляхом заборони цієї продукції для відповідальних дорослих колишніх курців не є панацеєю.

Давайте виконувати чинні закони. Майже половина магазинів з тютюном не вимагає пред’явлення паспорту від молодих клієнтів. Це підсилює проблему і налаштовує громадськість проти вейпінгу серед дорослих, який, як було показано, є способом покращення здоров’я населення.

The Myth of the Vaping Crisis is Sparking a New War on Flavored Nicotine Products – And That Harms Consumers

Washington, D.C. – In the lull after impeachment, members of the U.S. House are pushing a bill to eradicate entire categories of flavored nicotine products.

This sweeping ban would target menthol tobacco, flavored cigars, snus, and vaping products.

Yaël Ossowski, Consumer Choice Center Deputy Director, said “The goal is to significantly reduce or eliminate youth use of these products, which is a noble pursuit. But unfortunately, the proposed bill would fall short.

“The proposed law comes in the wake of the much-hyped “vaping crisis” that transpired over the summer, in which thousands of individuals suffered lung damage from inhaling vapor products.

“In the end, the culprit was revealed to be illegal cannabis vaping cartridges loaded with Vitamin E acetate and not nicotine vaping products, according to the Centers for Disease Control,” said Ossowski.

“Despite those facts, the bill uses the debunked narrative on vaping to push a ban on unrelated items such as flavored cigars and smokeless products, and would outlaw menthol products that are used primarily in minority communities.

“This comes as both youth and adult-use of tobacco are at an all-time low. New harm-reducing technologies and education are already bringing down the use of tobacco in our country, and this bill does nothing but chase ghosts and punish responsible adult consumers,” said Ossowski.

Originally published here.

The Consumer Choice Center is the consumer advocacy group supporting lifestyle freedom, innovation, privacy, science, and consumer choice. The main policy areas we focus on are digital, mobility, lifestyle & consumer goods, and health & science.

The CCC represents consumers in over 100 countries across the globe. We closely monitor regulatory trends in Ottawa, Washington, Brussels, Geneva and other hotspots of regulation and inform and activate consumers to fight for #ConsumerChoice. Learn more at consumerchoicecenter.org

Yes, The FDA Is In Trouble, But The New York Times’ Prescription Would Make It Worse

The FDA’s failures are a result of too much regulatory dithering and bureaucracy. Yet the Times’ prescriptions for change would just increase the dose.

A recent New York Times editorial about the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reflects a systematic weakness at the once-venerable Gray Lady: The members of the editorial board often rely on sloganeering and popular wisdom instead of substantive evidence.

The editorial was headlined, “The FDA Is in Trouble. Here’s How to Fix It.” The agency is in trouble. But it’s due to the very kinds of “fixes” the Times recommends.

The FDA is highly bureaucratic and risk averse, leading to a slow and expensive drug approval process—at last count, more than $2.5 billion to bring a new drug to market. Yet the armchair quarterbacks at the Times want to slow it down even more and increase the cost and risks of innovating.

Supposedly, too many drugs are being approved “with too little data on how safe or effective they are,” according to the editorial. More specifically, regulators have supposedly made “compromises” by accepting “surrogate evidence” of efficacy.

In fact, there are good reasons that the clinical testing of new drugs can be accomplished with fewer and smaller trials. We are entering the era of precision, or personalized, medicine, the mantra of which is “the right dose of the right drug for the right patient at the right time.”

It reflects that treatments are gradually shifting from a relatively imprecise one-size-fits-all approach to a more personalized one, so patients can be matched to the best therapy based on their genetic makeup, the specific characteristics of their illness, and other predictive factors. This enables doctors to avoid prescribing a medication that is unlikely to be effective or that might cause serious side effects in certain patients.

How Smaller Trials Can Be More Accurate

The editorial ignores that those factors make possible drug testing in smaller, better-targeted populations. That is not a completely new concept. Under appropriate circumstances, the FDA has long used fewer and smaller clinical trials as the basis for approval.

What makes that possible is that medical research is increasingly discovering biological indicators, or “biomarkers”—such as variants of DNA sequences, the levels of certain enzymes, or the presence or absence of drug receptors—that can dictate how patients should be treated and to predict the likelihood that the intervention will be effective or elicit dangerous side effects.

Using biomarkers enables drug companies to better select patient populations for clinical trials to demonstrate efficacy. The reason is related to the statistical power of clinical studies: In any kind of experiment, a fundamental principle is that the greater the number of subjects or iterations, the greater the confidence in the results. Conversely, small studies generally have large uncertainties about results—and that is where biomarkers can make a difference.

By better defining the experimental groups, such as limiting the trial only to patients with a certain mutation in their genome or tumor, they can help drugmakers design clinical studies that will show “a high relative treatment difference” between the drug and whatever it is being compared to (often a placebo, but sometimes another treatment).

For example, a 2018 study of patients with certain rare pancreatic or gastrointestinal cancers found that analyzing the “protein-signaling networks” in the tumors could identify regulators of tumor survival. The researchers were then able to test the effect of various drugs on these regulators. That enabled them to predict in many patients which drugs would be effective in the tumors—the kind of precision oncology that makes possible smaller clinical trials.

Whiffing on Needed Critiques of the FDA

The Times editorial faulted the FDA for “its roles in the opioid epidemic (regulators allowed too many opioids on the market without properly flagging them as addictive or deadly),” but, in fact, the regulators did ensure that the drugs were safe and effective when used according to the labels, which do, in fact, warn about addiction potential. Analogously, can the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives be blamed for many Americans suffering from alcoholism?

Criticizing the FDA for its handling of e-cigarettes is easy. But the Times editorial even got that wrong, echoing the calls of prohibitionists to ban the sale of these products to adult smokers, rather than aggressively enforcing the existing ban on sales to minors.

The Times could have landed a powerful science-based critique of the agency for perpetuating the activist-created myth that nicotine e-cigarettes had anything to do with the past year’s lung disease outbreak, which was caused by adulterated THC oils, not nicotine vapes. By incorrectly blaming e-cigarettes for the illnesses, the FDA’s misinformation prevented countless adult smokers from switching to a truly less harmful alternative. The Times failed to hold the agency accountable for not telling the truth when it mattered most.

The Times editorial accuses the agency of having become “too susceptible to outside pressure,” which most FDA-watchers find to be groundless. If FDA has favored any special interests, they are “progressive” ones, including the organic food industry, which has systematically violated regulations concerning “absence claims” on labels (such as “GMO free”), and by acceding to the demands of “public health advocates” who reject harm reduction policies toward e-cigarettes. The remedy for such failings is better, smarter management.

The FDA Needs a Diet, Not More Money

The Times editorial claims the FDA “has too few resources and too little power to fulfill its key responsibilities.” The facts argue otherwise. According to the Congressional Research Service:

Between FY2015 and FY2019, FDA’s enacted total program level increased from $4.507 billion to $5.725 billion. Over this time period, congressionally appropriated funding increased by 21%, and user fee revenue increased by 35%. The Administration’s FY2020 budget request was for a total program level of $5.981 billion, an increase of $256 million (+4%) over the FY2019 enacted amount ($5.725 billion).

More important than the raw numbers is how FDA’s resources are being used. The agency has become extremely top-heavy, with ever more boxes appearing at the top of the organizational chart, even though the vast majority of day-to-day oversight and regulatory actions are taken at the level of FDA’s various “centers”—the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Center for Food Safety and Nutrition, and so on. The FDA needs to be put on a diet, not to have additional “resources.”

The Times editorial endorsed a recent proposal to convert FDA from a component of the Department of Health and Human Services to an independent agency. That would be a prescription for disaster. Political meddling with the agency’s decisions has been extremely rare in recent years, and the genuine calamities in which the FDA has been involved have been self-inflicted wounds that might have been avoided with more, not less, accountability and oversight.

Three distinguished former federal officials presented in the journal Health Affairs compelling procedural arguments against making FDA an independent agency. As an independent agency, they said, FDA would not be bound by the policies of the Department of Justice, potentially leading to inconsistent positions being taken by different parts of the government on issues that could include foreign policy.

Furthermore, they point out, applying a consistent approach to rulemaking as required by working within Health and Human Services and Office of Management and Budget strictures is a useful check on highly expensive or wrong-headed regulation. “It’s also a way that Congress and the president can ensure consistency across government in the application of expertise in regulatory policy,” they wrote.

The FDA’s failures are a result of too much regulatory dithering and bureaucracy. Yet the Times’ prescriptions for change would just increase the dose.

Originally published here.

The Consumer Choice Center is the consumer advocacy group supporting lifestyle freedom, innovation, privacy, science, and consumer choice. The main policy areas we focus on are digital, mobility, lifestyle & consumer goods, and health & science.

The CCC represents consumers in over 100 countries across the globe. We closely monitor regulatory trends in Ottawa, Washington, Brussels, Geneva and other hotspots of regulation and inform and activate consumers to fight for #ConsumerChoice. Learn more at 

Ce Secteur a Réussi Là Où L’Etat a Toujours Échoué

Une bonne information et une réglementation équilibrée sont plus efficaces que l’interdiction pure et simple : du bon sens, et pourtant…

Les collégiens, les lycéens et les étudiants ont augmenté leur consommation de cigarettes électroniques, malgré les préoccupations croissantes.

Bien que la consommation de nicotine chez les mineurs et les décès dus à des maladies pulmonaires liées au tabagisme constituent un réel problème, les produits de vapotage légaux et une information précise auprès des consommateurs peuvent combattre ces effets au lieu de les aggraver.

Nous devrions nous réjouir de la présence d’alternatives au tabac et soutenir des produits sûrs et légaux.

Au début, il n’y avait que les étranges sosies de cigarettes qui s’allument lorsque vous preniez une bouffée. De nos jours, le marché de la cigarette électronique s’est élargi pour inclure beaucoup de variétés différentes, afin de donner un choix plus sûr au consommateur.

Cette dernière phrase étonnera sans doute de nombreux lecteurs – à juste titre. Si vous avez suivi l’actualité du vaping et les craintes qui entourent désormais ces produits, vous pourriez penser que la simple idée d’encourager les e-cigarettes devrait être une infraction criminelle.

L’exemple du Royaume-Uni

Aucun produit potentiellement nocif ne doit être encouragé. Cependant, dans le cas de l’e-cigarette, il faut reconnaître ses effets de réduction des méfaits. Public Health England (l’agence du département de la Santé au Royaume-Uni) a évalué en 2015 (et confirmé depuis) que le vaping est au moins 95% moins nocif que la cigarette conventionnelle.

Le Royaume-Uni, en particulier, montre qu’une politique permissive en la matière est meilleure pour aider ceux qui veulent arrêter de fumer. Entre 2011 et 2017, le nombre de fumeurs au Royaume-Uni est passé de 19,8% à 14,9%.

Dans le même temps, le nombre d’utilisateurs de cigarettes électroniques a augmenté : près de la moitié de ces consommateurs utilisent les cigarettes électroniques comme moyen d’arrêter de fumer.

Pendant ce temps, l’Agence américaine des produits alimentaires et médicamenteux (FDA), ainsi que la plupart des pays européens, publient des avertissements de santé publique concernant la vape. Une récente flambée de maladies pulmonaires « liées aux cigarettes électroniques » a augmenté le rejet de cette innovation.

Les symptômes des personnes affectées comprennent des difficultés respiratoires, des douleurs thoraciques, de la fatigue et des vomissements. Environ la moitié des patients sont des adolescents ou de jeunes adultes.

C’est ici qu’il est important de brosser un tableau complet de la situation.

Qu’y a-t-il dans une e-cigarette ?

Les deux principaux ingrédients utilisés dans les liquides de vape, le propylène glycol (PG) et la glycérine végétale (VG), sont utilisés pour former leur vapeur et ajouter du goût.

A ces deux ingrédients s’ajoute un troisième, habituellement un arôme alimentaire commun que l’on trouve dans les gâteaux, les huiles et d’autres produits alimentaires qui aident à donner au liquide son goût.

Tous ces composés sont des ingrédients alimentaires courants que les organismes de réglementation, dont la FDA, jugent sains et sûrs.

D’autres ingrédients variables incluent l’alcaloïde stimulant, la nicotine. Bien que tous les liquides de la cigarette électronique ne contiennent pas de la nicotine, le produit chimique qui crée une dépendance est le principal attrait pour les fumeurs qui veulent arrêter de fumer.

Comparée à d’autres alternatives, comme les timbres et les médicaments de la thérapie de remplacement de la nicotine, la vape s’est avérée plus efficace.

Le Center for Disease Control (CDC) a publié un rapport le 6 décembre qui a révélé qu’aucun d’entre eux ne contenait de nicotine. La plupart des consommateurs touchés avaient consommé des produits THC sur le marché noir – beaucoup dans des Etats qui n’ont pas légalisé le cannabis.

Dans la plupart de ces terribles cas de maladies pulmonaires liées à la fumée, de la vitamine E a été trouvée dans les liquides. La vitamine E est très nocive lorsqu’elle est inhalée.

En Europe, de plus en plus de pays abordent la question dans la bonne direction. La Direction générale de la santé du Portugal a publié une déclaration disant que les utilisateurs devraient s’abstenir de modifier leurs e-cigarettes liquides ou d’ajouter toute substance qui n’est pas légalement commercialisée et étiquetée.

Il s’agit certainement d’une approche davantage axée sur l’information des consommateurs que l’Etat du Michigan, qui a décidé d’interdire catégoriquement le vaping aromatisé (du moins à titre de mesure temporaire).

Le meilleur chemin pour arriver à la sécurité

Si nous voulons lutter contre les décès dus au marché noir, nous devons adopter des produits légaux sûrs. Un marché légal et réglementé est le meilleur moyen d’éradiquer les mauvais produits et acteurs.

L’interdiction des liquides aromatisés conduira au marché noir ou aux cigarettes ceux qui désirent des goûts différents. Des études récentes ont montré que si les produits de vapotage sont interdits, les utilisateurs de la cigarette électronique actuelles sont plus susceptibles de recommencer à fumer. Ce serait un pas en arrière considérable pour la santé publique.

Il reste encore beaucoup à faire pour briser les mythes sur la question des e-cigarettes. Au-delà de cette question, cependant, voyons ce que les produits ont réellement fait : depuis des décennies, l’Etat tente de convaincre les gens d’arrêter de fumer. Pour ce faire, il a eu recours à des politiques paternalistes, comme la fiscalité, les restrictions en matière d’emballage (le paquet neutre) et de vente, qui se sont toutes révélées inefficaces.

Toute baisse des ventes de cigarettes a été compensée par une hausse des ventes sur le marché noir. Dans cette économie souterraine, les consommateurs sont induits en erreur et ils en souffrent.

Nous devons encourager la commercialisation et l’image de marque de produits sûrs et légaux. L’information des consommateurs est nécessaire pour évincer les produits dangereux du marché noir.

La vape a réalisé ce que des décennies de politiques gouvernementales n’ont pas réussi à offrir aux consommateurs : une alternative viable. Ce type d’innovation doit être célébré, non réprimandé.

Originally published here.

The Consumer Choice Center is the consumer advocacy group supporting lifestyle freedom, innovation, privacy, science, and consumer choice. The main policy areas we focus on are digital, mobility, lifestyle & consumer goods, and health & science.

The CCC represents consumers in over 100 countries across the globe. We closely monitor regulatory trends in Ottawa, Washington, Brussels, Geneva and other hotspots of regulation and inform and activate consumers to fight for #ConsumerChoice. Learn more at 

E-Zigarette: Dem süßen Dampf eine Chance geben

E-Zigaretten und „Heat-not-burn“-Produkte erlauben weniger schädliche Wege Nikotin zu konsumieren, geraten allerdings zunehmend unter politischen Druck. Von unserem Gastautor Bill Wirtz.

Sie sehen aus wie USB-Sticks oder Feuerzeugasbehälter, riechen oft süß und stoßen manchmal große weiße Wolken aus. Viele Ex-Raucher machten den Sprung weg vom Glimmstängel zu E-Zigaretten. Dieses dampfende Produkt profitiert von motivierten Befürwortern und leidet unter uninformierten Politikern. Die Frage im Vordergrund bleibt, ob diese Alternative besser für Raucher ist.

Die Aussage, dass E-Zigaretten 95% weniger gesundheitsschädlich als konventionelle Zigaretten sind, stammt nicht aus einer Werbung von den Produzenten selbst, sondern von Public Health England (PHE). PHE ist Teil des britischen Gesundheitsministeriums und beschäftigt sich täglich mit den Gesundheitsfolgen von Konsumgütern.

Neuere Ergebnisse, die in den Annals of Internal Medicine veröffentlicht wurden, zeigen, dass langfristige E-Zigaretten-Nutzer, umgangssprachlich auch gerne Dampfer genannt, einen zwanzigmal niedrigeren Wert an krebserregenden Bestandteilen aufweisen. Dampfer zeigen auch viel niedrigere Werte für weitere tabakspezifische Giftstoffe, die zwei bis fünfmal unter denen der konventioneller Raucher liegen. Wer als Raucher Angst vor den möglichen Risiken einer Zigarette hat, kann E-Zigaretten-Flüssigkeiten (“e-liquids”) kaufen die lediglich Nikotin enthalten.

Doch wissenschaftliche Fakten schaffen es nicht immer in die öffentliche und politische Debatte. Für viele Gesundheitsaktivisten ist klar, dass auch bei diesen risikomindernden Produkten ein starkes Zeichen gesetzt werden muss. Resultat: Obwohl E-Zigaretten gänzlich andere Produkte sind, werden sie zunehmend wie Tabak reguliert. Der Kabinettschef des EU-Gesundheitskommissars Vytenis Andriukaitis, meint die Regulierung für E-Zigaretten in der Europäischen Union sollte gleich sein, wie die gewöhnlichen Tabaks. Er sagt dazu:

„Wir werden mit Fragen über gesündere Möglichkeiten etwas in die Lunge zu inhalieren bombardiert. Eine fremde Substanz in die Lunge zu bekommen, ist einfach nicht gesund.“

Oft wird bei Menge und Einnahmemedium kein Unterschied gemacht. So fallen ironischerweise auch die tabakfreien elektronischen Zigaretten unter die EU Tabakdirektive.

Bei der UN Welttabakkonferenz, die letztes Jahr in Genf stattfand, wurden E-Zigaretten explizit nicht als Alternative gepriesen. Ganz im Gegenteil, Anne Bucher, EU-Generaldirektorin für Gesundheit, sagte dort ebenfalls, dass es keinen Unterschied zwischen E-Zigaretten und konventionellen Zigaretten gibt.

Aus dem Nanny State Index on Nicotine des Institute of Economic Affairs geht hervor, dass Schweden, Großbritannien, Tschechien, Deutschland und die Niederlande die liberalste Politik gegenüber E-Zigaretten betreiben. Die Schweiz hingegen schneidet sehr schlecht ab, vor allem durch das Verbot gegen nikotinhaltige E-Zigaretten. Der Verkauf ist nicht erlaubt – importiert werden dürfen nur 150 ml alle 60 Tage. Norwegen wird diese Produkte demnächst erlauben (die Gesetzgebung ist hier bereits in Arbeit) und damit wird die Schweiz das einzige europäische Land sein, das ein komplettes Verbot pflegt.

Natürlich kann man sagen, dass man am Besten einfach ganz mit dem Rauchen aufhört. Doch komplette Abstinenz ist für viele Raucher einfach nicht möglich. Entweder weil sie es nicht wollen, oder weil die Aufgabe von Nikotin zu schwierig ist. Sogar in extremen Situationen, wie die erzwungene Einstellung des Rauchens im Gefängnis, zeigt sich, dass Inhaftierte auch nach mehreren Monaten in Haft, in der Freiheit wieder mit dem Rauchen anfangen. Wenn man „einfach aufhören“ könnte, würde die Empfehlung einen Arzt zur Rauchentwöhnung zu befragen (so wie es heute auf vielen Zigarettenschachteln steht), nicht sonderlich viel Sinn ergeben. Wir wissen inzwischen ebenfalls, dass das “vaping” bei der Rauchentwöhnung besser abschneidet als konventionelle Methoden wie z.B. Nikotin-Pflaster.

Wer nikotinhaltige E-Zigaretten verbietet, muss damit rechnen, dass Raucher wieder auf die normale Zigarette umsteigen. Und das kann ja nicht das Ziel moderner Gesundheitspolitik sein. Verbote von E-Zigaretten führen dazu, dass viele Verbraucher sich wieder dem altbewährten Glimmstängel zuwenden. Gerade Großbritannien zeigt, dass eine liberale Dampfpolitik die klassische Zigarette besser abgewöhnt. Zwischen 2011 und 2017 ist die Raucherzahl in Großbritannien von 19,8% auf 14,9% gesunken. Gleichzeitig stieg die Zahl der E-Zigaretten Nutzer: Fast die Hälfte dieser Verbraucher nutzen E-Zigaretten als Mittel zur Rauchentwöhnung.

Der Markt bietet Rauchern nun eine Alternative, die bezahlbar und angenehm ist und zudem noch weitaus geringere Risiken mit sich bringt. Anstatt alles zu tun, um diese Alternative mit Überregulierung zu überschütten, sollte die Politik Verbrauchern erlauben Zugang zu diesen innovativen Nikotinprodukten zu haben.

Originally published here.

The Consumer Choice Center is the consumer advocacy group supporting lifestyle freedom, innovation, privacy, science, and consumer choice. The main policy areas we focus on are digital, mobility, lifestyle & consumer goods, and health & science.

The CCC represents consumers in over 100 countries across the globe. We closely monitor regulatory trends in Ottawa, Washington, Brussels, Geneva and other hotspots of regulation and inform and activate consumers to fight for #ConsumerChoice. Learn more at 

Trump’s Vape Pod Ban is Just Another New Year’s Hangover

Washington, D.C. – As millions of Americans awoke on New Year’s Day, we learned the Trump Administration and the FDA will soon present a ban on all flavors except tobacco and menthol in pod-based vaping devices.

Though the ban is not as sweeping as first rumored, it will still deprive millions of adults of the harm-reducing flavors they have enjoyed to switch away from using cigarettes.

Yaël Ossowski, deputy director of the D.C.-based Consumer Choice Center, said a ban of this magnitude is still bad public policy, and deprives adults of more options for harm reduction.

“To be clear, the new policy is less egregious than a blanket ban or a ban on the open systems favored by advanced vapers. But it still denies the science on harm reduction and the reality of using flavors to convince adults to switch to less harmful methods of consuming nicotine,” said Ossowski.

“Pod-based devices are popular among former smokers because they’re portable, easy to maintain, and provide just the right amount of nicotine and taste to keep them away from normal combustible cigarettes. Flavors are instrumental to that equation.

“The debate on flavors has been framed by the radical tobacco control groups who need a new enemy. It’s unfortunate that vaping, which has been proven to be 95% less harmful than smoking, will now become less available to the people who need it the most.

“The facts are on the side of those who champion harm reduction and consumer choice. And in this case, because of the myths peddled by well-funded tobacco control groups, an innovative technology that has saved and will save millions of people has been demonized.

“We have a system in our country to age-prohibit certain goods like alcohol and tobacco. Rather than taking away options from adult consumers, we should investigate why kids are getting their hands on their devices and pods in the first place, and concentrate resources there instead of resorting to outright bans.

“It’s more a question of enforcement than a question of whether flavors should exist at all.

“Yet more prohibitions will only embolden sellers and dealers on the black market, who were the main culprits in the much-hyped vaping “crisis” of last year, and unlike traditional retailers and vape shops, don’t ask for ID.

“We need to continue fighting for effective harm reduction, and that won’t end here,” said Ossowski.

Originally published here.

Trump’s Vape Pod Flavor Ban is Just Another New Year’s Hangover

Trump’s Vape Pod Flavor Ban is Just Another New Year’s Hangover

Washington, D.C. – As millions of Americans awoke on New Year’s Day, we learned the Trump Administration and the FDA will soon present a ban on all flavors except tobacco and menthol in pod-based vaping devices.

Though the ban is not as sweeping as first rumored, it will still deprive millions of adults of the harm-reducing flavors they have enjoyed to switch away from using cigarettes.

Yaël Ossowski, deputy director of the D.C.-based Consumer Choice Center, said a ban of this magnitude is still bad public policy, and deprives adults of more options for harm reduction.

“To be clear, the new policy is less egregious than a blanket ban or a ban on the open systems favored by advanced vapers. But it still denies the science on harm reduction and the reality of using flavors to convince adults to switch to less harmful methods of consuming nicotine,” said Ossowski.

“Pod-based devices are popular among former smokers because they’re portable, easy to maintain, and provide just the right amount of nicotine and taste to keep them away from normal combustible cigarettes. Flavors are instrumental to that equation.

“The debate on flavors has been framed by the radical tobacco control groups who need a new enemy. It’s unfortunate that vaping, which has been proven to be 95% less harmful than smoking, will now become less available to the people who need it the most.

“The facts are on the side of those who champion harm reduction and consumer choice. And in this case, because of the myths peddled by well-funded tobacco control groups, an innovative technology that has saved and will save millions of people has been demonized.

“We have a system in our country to age-prohibit certain goods like alcohol and tobacco. Rather than taking away options from adult consumers, we should investigate why kids are getting their hands on their devices and pods in the first place, and concentrate resources there instead of resorting to outright bans.

“It’s more a question of enforcement than a question of whether flavors should exist at all.

“Yet more prohibitions will only embolden sellers and dealers on the black market, who were the main culprits in the much-hyped vaping “crisis” of last year, and unlike traditional retailers and vape shops, don’t ask for ID.

“We need to continue fighting for effective harm reduction, and that won’t end here,” said Ossowski.

Check out the CCC’s Top Myths and Facts on Vaping here.

Yaël Ossowski
Deputy Director
Consumer Choice Center


The Consumer Choice Center is the consumer advocacy group supporting lifestyle freedom, innovation, privacy, science, and consumer choice. 

We represent consumers in over 100 countries across the globe and closely monitor regulatory trends in Ottawa, Washington, Brussels, Geneva and other hotspots of regulation and inform and activate consumers to fight for #ConsumerChoice. Learn more at consumerchoicecenter.org.

Vaping ban in Alberta would harm public health

Alberta should rise above the vaping hysteria and follow harm reduction principles when developing regulations on e-cigarettes.

There’s a panic brewing about the use of e-cigarettes following reports by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that hundreds vapers in the US have contracted severe lung injuries, with a handful of fatalities. Politicians responded quickly to the reports, and several states moved forward with vaping regulations. These ranged from bans on flavoured vaping products in New York to a four month ban on all vaping products in Massachusetts. However, a later report by the CDC in November revealed that none of the recent patients with lung injuries had used conventional nicotine vapes, but instead used black-market THC products – many in states where marijuana is illegal. 

Unfortunately, various Canadian provinces have put further vaping regulations on the agenda. Nova Scotia has banned all flavoured e-cigarettes and vaping juice as of April 1st, and Ontario is considering a similar ban. So far, it looks like Alberta is headed down a similar path. Health Minister Tyler Shandro has committed to developing regulations on vaping products as part of a review of the province’s tobacco and smoking laws, with the hope that any amendments will be in place by spring 2020. It would be misguided for Alberta to follow the bad policies that have been proposed and implemented in the US, in Canada, and abroad.

If our goal is to save lives, it is important to compare the harms caused by vaping products with their closest substitute: cigarettes. Acomprehensive report by Public Health England suggests that while e-cigarettes are not risk-free, they are comparatively much safer than traditional cigarettes. While it is nicotine that causes cigarette addiction, it is the thousands of other chemicals contained in cigarettes that causes almost all of the harm. E-cigarette vapour does not contain tar or carbon monoxide, which are two of the most harmful components of tobacco smoke. While e-cigarette vapour does contain some of the chemicals also found in tobacco smoke, they are present at much lower levels. Additionally, Public Health England reports that in a recent study, cancer potencies of e-cigarettes were under 0.5 per cent of the risk of smoking. For these reasons, Public Health England’sadvice on vaping remains unchanged: “There is no situation where it would be better for your health to continue smoking rather than switching completely to vaping”.

This is especially important considering that most people who use e-cigarettes are current or former smokers. Arecent survey administered by Statistics Canada found that among people who had used e-cigarettes in the past 30 days, 65 per cent were current smokers and 20 per cent were former smokers. If vaping products were banned or regulated in a way that made them difficult to access, it is reasonable to suggest that these people would increase their use of traditional cigarettes. For this reason, stock prices of cigarette manufacturers jumped when India announced they would enact a vape ban. This response is in large part because there is evidence that e-cigarettescan be used as a cessation mechanism. Restricting access to e-cigarettes may be in effect taking away a tool that helps people quit smoking.

Even if e-cigarettes were as dangerous as their critics say, there is no reason to believe that restricting access to them would be good public policy. One of the main lessons from the war on drugs is that if there is demand for a product, it will be sold regardless of its legal status. Banning flavoured e-liquids or significantly limiting access will only create an unregulated black market for the product, exacerbating any existing safety concerns. E-cigarette users will no longer be able to have confidence in the safety of their products. 

In fact, the very hospitalizations that inspired the recent panic over vaping products are a testament to the dangers of drug prohibition. In November, the CDC linked the hospitalizations to vitamin E acetate, which is not found in legal e-cigarettes. However, it is often used by drug dealers to cut THC vape cartridges in an attempt to increase their profits. These products are illicit and thus unregulated in the United States. In Canada, THC vaping products were only just legalized, and nothing legally for sale in Canada contains vitamin E acetate. If vaping products are banned, we should only expect more harmful additives in an unregulated black market. 

Despite the facts, political responses to the CDC’s report have been anything but measured, and it would be misguided for Alberta to follow suit. Moving to ban flavoured e-liquids, or even worse, e-cigarettes in general, is a trigger-happy response that flies in the face of existing evidence about vaping as a harm reduction tool. Blanket bans on vaping are bad public policy and bad science, and will only serve to harm millions of vapers and harm public health. Alberta should rise above the vaping hysteria and follow harm reduction principles when developing regulations on e-cigarettes. 

The Consumer Choice Center is the consumer advocacy group supporting lifestyle freedom, innovation, privacy, science, and consumer choice. The main policy areas we focus on are digital, mobility, lifestyle & consumer goods, and health & science.

The CCC represents consumers in over 100 countries across the globe. We closely monitor regulatory trends in Ottawa, Washington, Brussels, Geneva and other hotspots of regulation and inform and activate consumers to fight for #ConsumerChoice. Learn more at 

Vaping is a more effective smoke reduction tool than government policies

Middle schoolers, high schoolers, and university students have increased their use of e-cigarettes, despite rising public concern. While underage nicotine consumption and smoking-related lung disease deaths are a real problem, legal vaping products, and accurate consumer information can combat instead of worsen these effects. We should welcome the presence of alternatives to tobacco, and endorse safe, and legal options.

At the beginning, there were the strange cigarette look-alikes that light up as you took a drag. Now, the e-cigarette market has expanded to include safer alternatives, ranging from popular Juul products to vapes the size of a pistol grip. In Europe, the so-called “heat-not-burn” also constitutes a new type of vape, by heating up the tobacco instead of burning it, thus avoiding the more unhealthy effects of tobacco combustion. The idea that these alternatives are a good thing will raise eyebrows for many, and rightfully so. If you’ve followed the health scare surrounding vaping, you’d think that the mere thought of encouraging e-cigarettes is problematic.

While no potentially harmful product should ever be encouraged, we should recognize its harm-reducing effects. The UK’s Department of Health and Social Care, Public Health England, assessed in 2015–confirmed since then–that vaping is at least 95% less harmful than smoking conventional cigarettes. Between 2011 and 2017, the number of smokers in the UK fell from 19.8% to 14.9%. At the same time, the number of e-cigarette users rose: almost half of these consumers use e-cigarettes as a means of quitting smoking. The UK is an example that shows how a permissive vaping policy is better at helping those who want to quit smoking.

On the other hand, the US Food and Drug Administration, as well as most European nations, have released serious public health warnings regarding vaping. A recent spike in vaping-related lung illnesses has made officials afraid of the rise of e-cigarettes. Symptoms of those affected by recent illnesses include trouble breathing, chest pain, fatigue, and vomiting. About half the patients are teenagers or young adults.

Here is where giving the full picture is important.

The two main ingredients used in vape liquids, propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG), are used to form their vapor and add flavor. Added to these two ingredients is a third, usually a common food flavoring found in cakes, oils, and other food items. All of these compounds are common food ingredients that are deemed healthy and safe by regulatory bodies including the FDA. Other variable ingredients include the stimulant alkaloid nicotine. Although not all vape liquids contain nicotine, the addictive chemical is the main draw for smokers that want to quit smoking. Compared to other alternatives, like the Nicotine Replacement Therapy patches and drugs, vaping has been found to be more effective.

On Dec. 6, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) released a report which uncovered that none of the patients affected in recent cases had used conventional nicotine vapes. Most of the affected consumers had used black-market THC products—many in states that have not legalized marijuana. In most of these terrible cases of vaping-related lung disease, Vitamin E has been found in these moonshine liquids. Vitamin E is very harmful when inhaled.

In Europe, more countries are approaching the issue from a different direction. Portugal’s Directorate-General for Health released a statement saying users should refrain from modifying their e-cigarette liquids or add any substances that aren’t legally marketed and labeled. That is certainly a more consumer information-based approach than the state of Michigan, which decided to ban flavored vaping outright (at least as a temporary measure).

If we want to combat deaths arising from black market products, we have to embrace safe legal products. A legal and regulated market is the best method for rooting out bad products and actors. A ban on flavored liquids will only drive those who wish to use flavored vaping products to the black market, or back to cigarettes. Recent studies have shown that if vaping products are outlawed, current vapors are more likely to return to smoking. That would be very consequential for public health.

A lot of myth-busting needs to be done on the issue of e-cigarettes. More than that, however, let’s just consider what harm-reducing products have actually done. The government has tried for decades to get people to stop smoking. In order to do that, it has utilized paternalistic policies, like taxation, restrictions on packaging and sales, which have all been shown to be ineffective. All reduction in cigarette sales has been offset by a spike in black market sales. In this shadow economy, consumers are being misled, and people get hurt.

We need to encourage the marketing and branding of safe and legal vaping products. Consumer information is necessary in order to crowd out dangerous black market products.

Vaping has achieved what decades of government policies couldn’t–gave consumers a viable alternative. This type of innovation should be celebrated, not reprimanded.

Originally published here.

The Consumer Choice Center is the consumer advocacy group supporting lifestyle freedom, innovation, privacy, science, and consumer choice. The main policy areas we focus on are digital, mobility, lifestyle & consumer goods, and health & science.

The CCC represents consumers in over 100 countries across the globe. We closely monitor regulatory trends in Ottawa, Washington, Brussels, Geneva and other hotspots of regulation and inform and activate consumers to fight for #ConsumerChoice. Learn more at 

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