

Bus market liberalisation’s a winner

COMMENT CENTRAL: Liberalising bus markets, Bill Wirtz argues, means consumers can travel more cheaply and efficiently, which in turn reduces social inequality.

The U.S. Trade War with Bombardier

NORTH CAROLINA JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW: Moreover, this ruling is also likely to negatively affect everyday consumers. “Such a high tariff will raise the cost of importing jets from the Montreal-based firm and deprive American consumers of the opportunity of efficient, low-cost travel.”

Bus market liberalisation: the European Commission gets it right

VOCAL EUROPE: Bus market liberalisation ultimately means: more choices for consumers, more competition on the market, higher quality for lower prices.

Libéralisation du marché de bus: la Commission européenne reconnaît le succès du modèle franco-allemand

CAFE BABEL: La Commission européenne vient de décider que la libéralisation du marché du bus sur le continent, tel qu’il est déjà pratiqué en France et en Allemagne, sera avantageuse pour les consommateurs. Elle a parfaitement raison.

Flixbus: low cost non significa concorrenza sleale

«Questo provvedimento non solo fa arretrare di 10 anni l’economia italiana ma intacca i principi di libero mercato e liberalizzazione dell’economia occidentale.»

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