

[Marketing Medium] Carte du monde interactive : 200 millions de fumeurs pourraient passer au vapotage en suivant l’exemple du Royaume-Uni

Paris, FR – La libéralisation des cigarettes électroniques a l’incroyable potentiel d’aider des millions de personnes à passer du tabagisme traditionnel au vapotage – une manière plus sûre et moins nocive de consommer de la nicotine. L’agency pour le choix du consommateur a examiné 61 pays et a évalué comment des politiques intelligentes de réduction des risques liés au tabac pourraient faciliter ce passage.

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/2MbtPMM

[Marketing Medium] Consumers and Bar/Restaurant Owners say “YES” to HB 536

“This bill includes provisions for reopening safely in both outdoor and inside spaces, as well as endorsing modernized alcohol policy that favors all consumers and residents of North Carolina. Gov. Cooper should sign this bill and give North Carolinians renewed confidence to safely re-engage in commerce.”

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/2MbM0lq

Consumers and Bar/Restaurant Owners say “YES” to HB 536


Yaël Ossowski
Deputy Director

Consumers and Bar/Restaurant Owners say “YES” to HB 536

The Consumer Choice Center endorses a safe and timely return to business for areas with a lower risk for coronavirus outbreak

Raleigh, N.C. – Yesterday, the NC State Senate passed HB 536, the bill intended to safely re-open bars and restaurants in accordance with the guidelines set by both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.

Yaël Ossowski, Deputy Director of the Consumer Choice Center said:

“Giving business owners the legal means to safely open and serve customers is now a necessity,” said Ossowski. “Establishments in high-risk areas should be advised to remain closed until health authorities say otherwise, but that decision must be with business owners.

“We all recognize the risks from the spread of COVID-19, but we must now trust that both owners of bars and restaurants and consumers will be responsible and follow the guidelines set by state and federal authorities.

“A one-size-fits-all approach for the entire state, in which cities and counties face all the same restrictions despite differing numbers of cases, is no longer tenable after more than two months of lockdown,” said Ossowski.

“This bill includes provisions for reopening safely in both outdoor and inside spaces, as well as endorsing modernized alcohol policy that favors all consumers and residents of North Carolina. Gov. Cooper should sign this bill and give North Carolinians renewed confidence to safely re-engage in commerce.”

“The Legislature should also look to make permanent changes to our alcohol laws to better empower consumers and offer them more choice. Loosening restrictions on how food and drink establishments can serve, offer, and deliver their products should be immediately taken into consideration,” said Ossowski.

More about our policies for Modernized Alcohol Policies here.

***CCC Deputy Director Yaël Ossowski is available to speak with accredited media on consumer regulations and consumer choice issues. Please send media inquiries HERE.***

The Consumer Choice Center is the consumer advocacy group supporting lifestyle freedom, innovation, privacy, science, and consumer choice. The main policy areas we focus on are digital, mobility, lifestyle & consumer goods, and health & science.

[Marketing Medium] Canada Could Have 475,000 Fewer Smokers If We Followed The UK’s Lead

Ottawa, ON –  A new study has been published titled “From Smoking to Vaping” which evaluates public policy and how following the UK’s lead on harm reduction can result in a significant reduction in smoking. Specifically, the study evaluates current smoking and vaping rates and estimates how many people could make the switch with changes in public policy. If Canada were to follow the UK’s lead, we could reasonably see a reduction of 475,000 smokers.

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/3gqqGGJ

[Marketing Medium] Інтерактивна Карта Вейпінгу: понад два мільйони українців можуть перейти з традиційного куріння на вейпінг

Київ, Україна: Заохочення вейпінгу може допомогти понад двом мільйонам людей в Україні перейти з традиційного тютюнопаління на вейпінг, який є більш безпечним та менш шкідливим способом споживання нікотину. Consumer Choice Center дослідив 61 країну на предмет того наскільки правильною є політика спрямована на зменшення шкоди тютюну може полегшити перехід на електронні цигарки.

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/2M1VAaq

[Marketing Medium] Dia Mundial da Luta contra o Tabaco: Mais de 5 milhões de brasileiros poderiam deixar de fumar

São Paulo – BR: Um assunto polêmico no Brasil, a liberalização do vaping tem um enorme potencial e pode ajudar milhões de pessoas a mudar do tabagismo tradicional para o vaping – uma maneira até 95% mais segura e menos prejudicial do consumo de nicotina segundo a agência nacional de saúde britânica NHS (Public Health England). O Centro de Escolha do Consumidor examinou 61 países e avaliou como as políticas inteligentes de redução de danos do tabaco poderiam facilitar a troca do cigarro tradicional para os cigarros eletrônicos.

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/2TGq9Xp

[Marketing Medium] Mappa interattiva del Vaping: più del 20% dei fumatori potrebbero smettere di fumare se passassero alle sigarette elettroniche.

Roma (IT): La liberalizzazione della vendita delle sigarette elettroniche ha l’incredibile potenziale di aiutare milioni di persone di smettere di fumare e passare ad un metodo di utilizzare nicotina meno dannoso. Il Consumer Choice Center ha esaminato 61 paesi e ha valutato in che modo le politiche intelligenti di riduzione dei danni del tabacco potrebbero rendere il passaggio più facile.

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/3dbH23M

[Marketing Medium] Interaktive Weltkarte: 200 Millionen Raucher könnten auf Vaping umsteigen

Berlin: Die Liberalisierung des Vaping hat das unglaubliche Potenzial, Millionen von Menschen beim Wechsel vom traditionellen Rauchen hin zum Vaping zu helfen – eine sicherere und weniger schädliche Art, Nikotin zu konsumieren. Das Consumer Choice Center untersuchte 61 Länder und bewertete, wie intelligente Politikmaßnahmen den Wechsel erleichtern könnten.

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/36zxugH

[Marketing Medium] Interactive World Vaping Map: 200 million smokers could switch to vaping

Brussels, BE: The liberalization of vaping has enormous potential and could help millions of people switch from traditional tobacco smoking to vaping – a safer and less harmful way of consumption of nicotine. The Consumer Choice Center examined 61 countries and assessed how smart tobacco harm reduction policies could make the switch easier.

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/3eDu7bt

[Marketing Medium] The EU should not introduce harmonised excise taxes for vaping

Brussels, BE – According to Euractiv.com, the European Council will ask the European Commission this week to place novel tobacco products under the Tobacco Excise Directive, thus harmonising its excise levels across the single market. Bill Wirtz, Senior Policy Analyst for the Consumer Choice Center, said that this would undermine the public health objectives of the European Union:

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/3d7RU2C

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