
Public Health

Banning milkshakes won’t prevent obesity

Core Tip: This week, campaign group Action on Sugar has called for bans on high-sugar milkshakes, such as the Instagrammable ‘freakshakes’, but this approach won’t prevent obesity, says Maria Chaplia, Consumer Choice Center Media Associate. This week, campaign group Action on Sugar has called for bans on high-sugar milkshakes, such as the Instagrammable ‘freakshakes’, but […]

Banning milkshakes won’t prevent obesity, says consumer specialist

This week, campaign group Action on Sugar has called for bans on high-sugar milkshakes, such as the Instagrammable ‘freakshakes’, but this approach won’t prevent obesity, says Maria Chaplia, Consumer Choice Center Media Associate. “In case the milkshake ban proposed by the Action on Sugar receives support from the government, consumers will be subjected to a yet […]

‘Freakshakes’ are not an issue of Public Health, but of Parental Responsibility

‘Freakshakes’ are not an issue of Public Health, but of Parental Responsibility by Richard Mason – Research Fellow at Consumer Choice Center I’m probably about to lose a fair bit of my rep with the classical liberal community: I don’t necessarily see it as an issue for the state to take an interest in public […]

OMS: buone intenzioni, cattive esecuzioni

ATLANTICO: E’ evidente che, nonostante le ottime intenzioni, l’OMS non stia percorrendo la strada giusta per risolvere i problemi legati al tabacco. Come dice Luca Bertoletti, European Affairs Manager del già citato Consumer Choice Center: “L’OMS ha perso la bussola. Deve decidere se continuare sulla cattiva strada e diventare nient’altro che l’ennesima organizzazione burocratica e paternalistica, o tornare sui […]

‘No Additional Health Benefit’ Dail to vote on alcohol price hike’

SHEmazing: Bill Wirtz, Policy Analyst for the Consumer Choice Center has said that the act will have little impact on public health and an impact on the pockets of the most financially vulnerable. ‘The evidence in favour of minimum alcohol pricing is simply not here. In a 2013 review of 19 studies, only two found […]

Why Is the Nanny State so Popular?

FEE: Bans on plastic straws, soda taxes, bans on diesel cars, the crackdown on smoking, restrictions on alcohol consumption: the list of restrictions on people’s personal freedoms is steadily increasing. But why is the Nanny State so popular?

Plain packaging: ‘Brand-theft’ or better consumer protection?

EURACTIV: The rising trend of imposing plain packaging on unhealthy products has raised eyebrows in the industry, which fears that its brands are under threat. The World Health Organisation, on the other hand, insists that the measure provides a long-term benefit for public health.

WHO wants to ban trans fats – that’s just one reason they should be defunded

WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Ebola recently killed 19 people in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization is focused on their war against trans fats.

WHO urges ban on industrial trans-fats by 2023

DAIRY REPORTER: On the other end of the spectrum, the Consumer Choice Center, which fights for consumer choice, says WHO’s call for a “worldwide ban on the use of trans fats”​ is “just another arbitrary intrusion into the lives of consumers and part of a larger trend of paternalist regulations,” according to a May 14 release.

რა დგას თამბაქოს კონტროლის კანონის უკან?

TABULA: 2018 წლიდან თამბაქოს კონტროლის შესახებ კანონში ცვლილებები შევიდა. ცვლილებების თანახმად, გამკაცრდა თამბაქოს მოწევისა და რეალიზაციის არეალი, თამბაქოს კონტროლის სფეროს მარეგულირებელი კანონქვემდებარე ნორმატიული აქტები, თამბაქოს ექსპორტი და იმპორტი. კანონში ასევე აღნიშნულია, რომ ცვლილებები ემსახურება „თამბაქოს კონტროლის შესახებ“ ჯანმრთელობის მსოფლიო ორგანიზაციის ჩარჩო კონვენციის ამოცანებისა და პრინციპების შესრულებას.“.

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