

Is Moral Panic Justified? The Effect of Alcohol Privatization on Impaired Driving in Alberta

By Heather Bone, Research Fellow, Consumer Choice Center Nearly every time the prospect of privatizing alcohol sales in Ontario is debated, there is a moral panic. If alcohol sales are privatized, the argument goes, alcohol will be more easily accessible, and there will be an increase in alcohol-related crime. In this research brief, I investigate […]

加国血荒严重7成购自美国 民调72.6%支持有偿捐血

DUSHI: 总部设在多伦多的消费者选择中心(Consumer Choice Center)北美事务经理克莱文(David Clement)表示,民意调查反映出,禁止有偿捐血既不利病人,也违反民众意愿。安省、亚省和魁省目前都禁止向捐血浆的人支付报酬。卑诗省最近也引入法案要禁止有偿的血浆诊所。全国有偿的血浆诊所只有在沙省和纽奔驰域省。他说,禁止有偿的血浆诊所只会令加国的血荒问题恶化。讽刺的是,禁令迫使加拿大有多达70%的血浆要向美国的有偿捐血者购买。因此,为什么不给予加拿大捐血者一些报酬,以解决血浆不足的情况,令病人可以及早获得治疗。

Are Canadian Legalization Laws Too Strict?

HIGH TIMES: North American Affairs Manager at Consumer Choice Center David Clement told High Times, “A lot of people aren’t aware of which cannabis products have THC in them, or which helps you sleep. It would be prohibited to put the desired effects [on packaging].” From a consumer safety standpoint, Mr. Clement adds, “We would love to have brands […]

Canadá, la ley prohibirá a las celebridades promocionar la marihuana

LA MARIHUANA: El Canadian Consumer Choice Center ha criticado enérgicamente las regulaciones canadienses sobre el envasado de marihuana. No solo limitan la promoción de las celebridades y el estilo de vida, sino que también limitan la información necesaria sobre la marca.

Canadian Law Will Prohibit Celebrities From Endorsing Cannabis

HIGH TIMES: David Clement of Consumer Choice Center explains, “All a criminal needs to do to pass off their product is to replicate this simple branding.”

Eyesore Marijuana Packaging Isn’t Healthy For Canadians Or Competition

HUFFINGTON POST CANADA: Last Monday, Health Canada unveiled its proposed guidance on how cannabis should be regulated, marketed and sold once it is fully legalized in later this year, likely in July or August. While the rules incorporate important and necessary standards, the restrictions on branding and logos, as well as the exhaustive warning requirements are, quite literally, […]

Canadian Advocacy Group Criticizes Marijuana Packaging Restrictions

HIGH TIMES: David Clement, the North American Affairs Manager at Consumer Choice Center, advocates on behalf of the consumer. Mr. Clement sees Canada’s potential restrictions as both dangerous and antithetical to consumer freedom.

Proposed pot packaging regs are ‘ridiculously hypocritical’: Consumer group

CALGARY HERALD: The Consumer Choice Center (CCC), an advocacy group that represents consumers in over 100 countries, says the restrictions will only limit consumer knowledge, choice, and encourage the black market.

Proposed marijuana packaging rules threaten choice and safety

DIGITAL JOURNAL: According to David Clement, the North American affairs manager at Washington, D.C.-based lobby group, Consumer Choice Center, Health Canada’s proposed packaging guidelines could threaten the choice and safety of consumers because they make it more difficult to make an informed decision.

Consumer group says packaging restrictions for cannabis should be the same as alcohol

GEORGIA STRAIGHT: According to David Clement, North American affairs manager at Washington, D.C.-based lobby group, Consumer Choice Center, Health Canada’s proposed branding restrictions could threaten the choice and safety of consumers by making it more challenging for them to make informed decisions.

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