

Province unveils its first economic outlook and fiscal review

THE SAULT STAR: The move for the extended hours is welcomed by the Consumer Choice Centre. David Clement, North American Affairs manager for Consumer Choice Centres said “There is still a lot that needs to be done to modernize Ontario’s alcohol regulations. As we know from polling data, Ontario residents want increased access and for the […]

Government to extend hours to buy booze

BAY TODAY: David Clement, Toronto-based North American Affairs Manager of the Consumer Choice Center said: “Expanded retail hours for alcohol sales definitely benefits consumers. Expanding retail hours is a good first step, but there is still a lot that needs to be done to modernize Ontario’s alcohol regulations. As we know from polling data, Ontario residents want increased […]

Minimum alcohol pricing doesn’t work

Criticising the Welsh government’s decision to introduce minimum unit pricing for alcohol, Bill Wirtz argues it is possible to curb consumer drinking through education rather than the heavy hand of the law. There should, however, be no ambiguity about one point: the consumption of alcohol does bring health risks that all consumers should be aware […]

‘No Additional Health Benefit’ Dail to vote on alcohol price hike’

SHEmazing: Bill Wirtz, Policy Analyst for the Consumer Choice Center has said that the act will have little impact on public health and an impact on the pockets of the most financially vulnerable. ‘The evidence in favour of minimum alcohol pricing is simply not here. In a 2013 review of 19 studies, only two found […]

Why Is the Nanny State so Popular?

FEE: Bans on plastic straws, soda taxes, bans on diesel cars, the crackdown on smoking, restrictions on alcohol consumption: the list of restrictions on people’s personal freedoms is steadily increasing. But why is the Nanny State so popular?

Is Moral Panic Justified? The Effect of Alcohol Privatization on Impaired Driving in Alberta

By Heather Bone, Research Fellow, Consumer Choice Center Nearly every time the prospect of privatizing alcohol sales in Ontario is debated, there is a moral panic. If alcohol sales are privatized, the argument goes, alcohol will be more easily accessible, and there will be an increase in alcohol-related crime. In this research brief, I investigate […]

N.C. alcohol rules should join the 21st century

CHARLOTTE OBSERVER: Due to strict N.C. alcohol laws, online merchants such as Amazon can’t stock your favorite wines, craft beers or liquors unless they follow a very strict line of regulations. Read more

Irish tax on alcohol is enough to drive everyone to drink

TIMES OF LONDON: Consumer Choice Center’s Bill Wirtz is published in the London Times: “We need to recognise that consumers have the right to make choices. This implies that they make the choice to drink because they are allowed to enjoy themselves. Or at least while they are still allowed.”

EU tariffs on blue jeans and bourbon would harm consumers

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: Luca Bertoletti European Affairs Manager Consumer Choice Center luca@consumerchoicecenter.org 2. March 2018 EU tariffs on blue jeans and bourbon would harm consumers Brussels, BE – On Friday, European Union Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker suggested to German media that the EU could draw up tariffs on American products such as Kentucky Bourbon, Harley Davidson motorcycles, […]

Macht Facebook süchtig wie Alkohol oder Tabak?

DIE WELT: Eine Regulierung der Social-Media-Aktivitäten meint es vielleicht gut. Doch frühere Erfahrungen mit der Prohibition zeigen die Gefahr dann entstehender Grauzonen auf. Es gibt nur einen richtigen Weg. Bill Wirtz von Consumer Choice Center.

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