
Month: April 2019

Falsch Verbunden – Fünf Thesen zum deutschen Datenstau

Exportweltmeister und Wirtschaftsmacht, aber trotzdem Digitalverlierer. Dass Deutschland so schlecht verbunden ist, hat viele Gründe. Hier sind fünf davon, gesammelt von unserem Gastautor Fred Cyrus Roeder, Ökonom und Geschäftsführer des Consumer Choice Centers. Deutschland, die digitale Wüste in der Datenverkehr nur im Schneckentempo vorankommt: Aktuell gehört dieses Bild zu jeder guten politischen Diskussion. Dafür, dass sämtliche […]

European Lawmakers Take Action to Protect People from Veggie Burgers

The European Parliament Agriculture Committee advanced a proposal that would ban calling a veggie burger a “burger.” “Consumer Protection” The European Parliament Agriculture Committee (AGRI) supported compromise Amendment Number 41 on April 1. The amendment calls for a ban on denominations of plant-based food products as containing meat or dairy products. In essence, names such […]

Another Voice: Animal welfare, fashion choice should rule fur debate

Fur has long been a fashion accessory for consumers and an important industry for hunters, gatherers and responsible entrepreneurs. If New York legislators get their way, however, there would soon be a total ban on the sale and distribution of fur products in the Empire State. A bill was introduced last month by Assemblywoman Linda […]

Analyst Says Milk Prices Showing Improvement and Worst Is Over

In other trade news, while the future of President Trump’s U.S.-Mexico-Canada, free trade agreement remains uncertain in a divided U.S. House of Representatives, the Toronto-based North American Affairs Manager of the Consumer Choice Center (CCC), David Clement called on the Canadian government to give it a thumbs down. A CCC press release stated, “The Federal […]

Connected cars: EU Commission must embrace technology neutrality

While the EU Commission Delegated Act C-ITS favours Wifi as the baseline technology for connected cars, there is reason to worry that the Commission is playing favorites with technology. So says Fred Roeder, managing director of the Consumer Choice Center who expresses consumers’ concerns at the Commission’s behaviour: “The Commission ought to provide a framework in which […]

L’UE voudrait encore plus taxer les billets d’avion

La création d’une nouvelle taxe sur les vols aériens, afin de réduire l’impact environnemental, occupe nos bureaucrates européens. Le gouvernement néerlandais propose d’instaurer une taxe de transport aérien de 7€ sur tous les vols au départ et à l’arrivée de l’Union européenne. Selon La Haye, l’Europe a un problème majeur dû à un trop grand […]

Consumer Choice Center Presents signatories of ‘Brands Matter’ pledge

The Consumer Choice Center (CCC) has revealed the names of the 25 signatories of the ‘Brands Matter’ pledge. The CCC is aiming to gain support for the cause of brand freedom in the European Parliament and get clear responses from lawmakers on this vital consumer issue. Commenting on the pledge, Luca Bertoletti, European Affairs Manager of the […]

What #AdvertisingBans get wrong about #ConsumerBehaviour

Advertising bans are increasingly relevant in political debate, with some countries having already established rules that don’t allow for “junk food” advertising. But these proposals are all based on the assumptions that consumers are buying goods that they never would have wanted otherwise, writes Bill Wirtz. The fundamental question is: Can you make people buy something […]

25 MEPs support brand freedom

Consumer Choice Center presents signatories of “Brands Matter” pledge Brussels, BE – The Consumer Choice Center (CCC) has revealed the names of the 25 signatories of the “Brands Matter” pledge. The CCC is aiming to gain support for the cause of brand freedom in the European Parliament, and get clear responses from lawmakers on this vital […]

Northam Working to Increase Affordable Housing Options, GOP Support Remains Unclear

But throwing more money at a problem isn’t always the best answer, says Jeff Stier at Consumer Choice Center. “More crony capitalism that goes to developers who know how to game the system isn’t going to bring people out of generational poverty, and that’s what I want as an advocate for affordable housing,” says Stier.

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