
Month: February 2019

The Department of Health and Human Services and vaping: A tale of bootleggers and Baptists

Consumer Choice Center senior fellow Jeff Stier said virtually the same thing to a Washington Post reporter late last year. “The administration promised less regulation — without sacrificing protections,” said Stier, in response to Gottlieb’s release of the 2018 tobacco blueprint. “So if the FDA fails to meet both objectives — by announcing a heavy-handed regulatory plan — […]

Vegan vs animal-based fashion: which one is more sustainable?

Debunking the “myths” of vegan fashion A week ago, the British Consumer Choice Center announced in a press release the start of the #ChoiceInFashion campaign: “We want to inform consumers about animal-derived materials and to debunk the myths and urban legends about vegan fashion that are being spread by self-proclaimed animal rights groups.” Consumers would […]

Почему запрет натурального меха – не выход

Вместо полного запрета на использование натурального меха гораздо важнее обеспечить эффективный контроль за стандартами его производства (укр.) Сьомого лютого у Верховній Раді зареєстрували законопроект про заборону хутрового виробництва. Заборона має набрати чинності з 1 січня 2025 року, а до цього моменту будуть встановлені нові вимоги до утримання тварин. Стандартно, одним з ключових аргументів на підтримку […]

First fur, now wool?

The war on animal products is bad for conservation and bad for the poor. Whether it is silk, cashmere, leather or fur, animal-derived fashion products are increasingly coming under fire from activist groups. Campaigns to ban fur have transformed into a broader movement against all animal-derived products. The animal-rights organisation, PETA (People for the Ethical […]

Irish farmers voice fears over Brexit tariffs

The pro-free trade Consumer Choice Centre said tariffs would “put another burden on British consumers” and increase the costs of Brexit. ‘Protectionism’ It would send a signal to the rest of the world that post-Brexit Britain would pursue protectionism ahead of consumer interests, it claimed. Consumer Choice Centre spokeswoman Maria Chaplia said: “Free trade is […]

Tariffs impact every part of the food chain

The FDF’s comments were in response to a report by activist group the Consumer Choice Centre (CCC), which claimed imposing tariffs on food would send a signal to the rest of the world that post-Brexit Britain would pursue protectionism ahead of consumer interests. Maria Chaplia, media associate at the CCC, said: “Free trade is vital […]

The Food Nannies Are Coming to Protect You from Hamburgers and Soda

Dehumanizing market decisions is key to patronizing nanny-state policies. The Lancet Recommendation In a report published in The Lancet at the end of January, lead author Boyd Swinburn makes the case for greater government intervention in order to reduce the public health effects of malnutrition. The 56-page report is a long list of known policy prescriptions to increase public health, […]

International consumer group urges UK to rein in on tariff threat

An international consumer group has urged the UK to either abolish tariffs or keep them low in order to look after British consumers post Brexit. Responding to the disagreements in the British Cabinet on post-Brexit food tariffs, the Consumer Choice Center (CCC) has emphasised the importance of trade liberalisation for keeping consumers in a strong position […]

DEBATE: Should we slash post-Brexit tariffs on food imports to offer consumers cheaper goods?

Should we slash post-Brexit tariffs on food imports to offer consumers cheaper goods? Bill Wirtz, policy analyst at the Consumer Choice Center, says YES. Contrary what the protectionists will tell you, tariffs don’t only hurt the country upon which they are imposed. If the government decides to maintain import tariffs on food post-Brexit, it is […]

König Karl polarisiert auch nach seinem Tod

“Ich finde es besser, wenn sich Leute im Grab umdrehen, als ewig zu ruhen.” Fred Roeder Der plötzliche Tod von Fashion-Ikone Karl Lagerfeld hat Wellen der Bestürzung ausgelöst und der internationalen Presse noch einmal die Möglichkeit gegeben sein buntes Leben und viele seiner prägnantesten Zitate zu präsentieren. Doch nicht jeder zeigte sich bestürzt über das […]

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