
Month: May 2018

Ending sugar protectionism will help boost small business and benefit consumers

This week in the nation’s capital, the House Agriculture Committee will decide the fate of various agricultural subsidies and food benefits for millions of Americans. The bill, H.R. 2, known as the Farm Bill, includes provisions on crop insurance, dairy prices, wetland conservation, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) adjustments, and dozens of other rules and […]

WHO wants to ban trans fats – that’s just one reason they should be defunded

WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Ebola recently killed 19 people in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization is focused on their war against trans fats.

WHO urges ban on industrial trans-fats by 2023

DAIRY REPORTER: On the other end of the spectrum, the Consumer Choice Center, which fights for consumer choice, says WHO’s call for a “worldwide ban on the use of trans fats”​ is “just another arbitrary intrusion into the lives of consumers and part of a larger trend of paternalist regulations,” according to a May 14 release.

რა დგას თამბაქოს კონტროლის კანონის უკან?

TABULA: 2018 წლიდან თამბაქოს კონტროლის შესახებ კანონში ცვლილებები შევიდა. ცვლილებების თანახმად, გამკაცრდა თამბაქოს მოწევისა და რეალიზაციის არეალი, თამბაქოს კონტროლის სფეროს მარეგულირებელი კანონქვემდებარე ნორმატიული აქტები, თამბაქოს ექსპორტი და იმპორტი. კანონში ასევე აღნიშნულია, რომ ცვლილებები ემსახურება „თამბაქოს კონტროლის შესახებ“ ჯანმრთელობის მსოფლიო ორგანიზაციის ჩარჩო კონვენციის ამოცანებისა და პრინციპების შესრულებას.“.

Rhode Island Facing Potential 80% Tax For Second Year In A Row

CHURN MAG: Others have come out against the potential ban including Jeff Stier, Senior Fellow at the Consumer Choice Center. In an open letter to the House Finance Committee, Mr. Stier made the case against the tax:

Earth Day Network’s misguided anti-plastic campaign is a sign of more nonsense to come

HEARTLAND: However, as Henry Miller and Jeff Stier observe in a Fox News article, “In recent years, Earth Day has devolved into an occasion for professional environmental activists and alarmists to warn of apocalypse, dish up anti-technology dirt, and proselytize.

Industry bodies cry foul over TfL plans to ban junk food ads

CAMPAIGN: The policy was blasted by transatlantic anti-regulation campaign group Consumer Choice Center, with managing director Fred Roeder calling it “heavy-handed and paternalistic”.

加国血荒严重7成购自美国 民调72.6%支持有偿捐血

DUSHI: 总部设在多伦多的消费者选择中心(Consumer Choice Center)北美事务经理克莱文(David Clement)表示,民意调查反映出,禁止有偿捐血既不利病人,也违反民众意愿。安省、亚省和魁省目前都禁止向捐血浆的人支付报酬。卑诗省最近也引入法案要禁止有偿的血浆诊所。全国有偿的血浆诊所只有在沙省和纽奔驰域省。他说,禁止有偿的血浆诊所只会令加国的血荒问题恶化。讽刺的是,禁令迫使加拿大有多达70%的血浆要向美国的有偿捐血者购买。因此,为什么不给予加拿大捐血者一些报酬,以解决血浆不足的情况,令病人可以及早获得治疗。

Consumer Choice Center applauds Colorado’s steps to legalize cannabis tasting rooms

MG RETAILER: Yaël Ossowski, deputy director of the Consumer Choice Center, calls the motion a “historic” step in providing establishments for safe and legal cannabis use, much like taprooms for beer and wine lounges for wine.

Brauchen wir die WHO noch?

DIE WELT: In der Debatte über die Notwendigkeit bestimmter internationaler Organisationen sollten wir nicht deklarierte Absichten, sondern ihre Resultate betrachten. Wenn man sich die Arbeit der WHO anschaut, wird eines klar: Ihre Notwendigkeit ist strittig.

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