
Month: April 2018

Libéralisation du rail, vive la concurrence pour la SNCF!

L’OPINION: « Que représente ce « bien public » qu’est censé être la SNCF : avec plusieurs milliards de dette, un déficit structurel, des tickets chers, un service moyen, des grèves à perpétuité ? »

Keine Angst vor den Robotern

DIE WELT: Mit zunehmender Automatisierung steigt die Angst vor einem harten Schlag für den Arbeitsmarkt. Eine Reihe von Politikern befürwortet sogar die Besteuerung von Robotern, um einen Beschäftigungsverlust auszugleichen. Die Realität zeigt jedoch, dass Automatisierung keine Gefahr für Arbeitsmarkt und Verbraucher ist. Ganz im Gegenteil.

Taxi Drivers Are Persecuted by Regulation, Not Innovation

FEE: The drivers see themselves as victims of innovation when actually the complete opposite is the case: regulation is holding them back.

Canadá, la ley prohibirá a las celebridades promocionar la marihuana

LA MARIHUANA: El Canadian Consumer Choice Center ha criticado enérgicamente las regulaciones canadienses sobre el envasado de marihuana. No solo limitan la promoción de las celebridades y el estilo de vida, sino que también limitan la información necesaria sobre la marca.

N.C. alcohol rules should join the 21st century

CHARLOTTE OBSERVER: Due to strict N.C. alcohol laws, online merchants such as Amazon can’t stock your favorite wines, craft beers or liquors unless they follow a very strict line of regulations. Read more

Canadian Law Will Prohibit Celebrities From Endorsing Cannabis

HIGH TIMES: David Clement of Consumer Choice Center explains, “All a criminal needs to do to pass off their product is to replicate this simple branding.”

Who’s Afraid of Automation?

SPIKED: So we need to practice optimism about the opportunities provided by automation. The past shows that technology has often improved our living conditions, and raised employment levels. We need to allow it to do so again.

Contrary to Trump, the Postal Service needs Amazon

WASHINGTON EXAMINER: The antagonism Trump is showing to Amazon is profoundly misplaced, and if his attacks on Amazon lead to antitrust action, this could spell the death knell for many innovative businesses that have come to depend on the company.

Dental therapists and dental reform

ARIZONA CAPITOL TIMES: To drill or not to drill? For the past few months, it’s a question Arizona state lawmakers have been asking themselves and various experts in the dental field.

The consumer case for brand freedom in Singapore

SINGAPORE BUSINESS REVIEW: Consumers’ right to choose among different brands and regulators’ intent to control our consumptions clash more often than would think. Singapore banning certain acronyms such as IQ and cartoon figures likes teddy bears from baby milk powder is just one of the latest threats to brand and labeling freedom.

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